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Chapter Five

Anya let herself in her apartment and couldn’t contain her smile. Amina had been full of questions in the car after they’d left the station. They had gone for an early dinner and caught a happy hour at their favorite restaurant.

Amina continued bombarding her with question after question, but Anya refused to share.

After all, she wasn’t the type of woman to kiss and tell.

She’d told her friend a little fib.

Amina had refused to believe her.

With a sigh, she locked the door and walked into the apartment. There was a ton of work she needed to do. First, she wanted to go through all of the notes she had taken while at the station.

She tossed her bags down and froze in place.

Sitting on her love seat was the one person she had hoped to never see again. She swallowed hard, allowing her gaze to dart back to the front door. If she ran fast enough, she could make it.

“Hello, Anya,” Glenn said dryly. He calmly stretched, acting as if he belonged there.

When they had first met, she had been drawn to him by his deep-cocoa skin, his closely shaven hair, and muscular physique. He towered over her, and she remembered the day when she’d loved that.

Glenn enjoyed exercising and lifting weights in his free time. When they’d first got together, she’d tagged along to the gym with him. She had never understood how someone like him would be into a curvy girl like herself.

Exercising together had been a way for them to bond, and he’d been so helpful in her weight loss journey.

She had thought he’d be the one.

Boy, had she been wrong.

He’d become possessive of her.

Working from home allowed him to isolate her from everyone else.

At one time she had taken a job at a library just to get out of the house, but he’d ruined that with his extreme jealousy.

Her heart raced, and panic filled her chest.

“What the hell are you doing here?” she asked. She slowly backed away from the couch.

Flashbacks of the last time she was in their apartment in Atlanta came to mind. Her heart rate increased.

This couldn’t be happening.

She’d left him.

He could have whoever he wanted.

Why was he here?

“Where are you going?” He stood and strode with purpose toward her. “Don’t I get a hello and a hug?”

“You lost that privilege,” she snapped. Hopefully, her voice didn’t shake. She clutched her phone in her hand, wondering if she could call for help without Glenn knowing. “And how the hell did you get into my apartment?”

He advanced on her with a narrowed gaze. She spun around and raced toward the front door. A scream erupted from her lips when his hand clamped down on her arm. He swung her around to face him.

“Who do you think you are, using that tone of voice?” he growled.

“You’re hurting me,” she whimpered, trying to push away from him.

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