Page 20 of Dirty Alliance

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Chapter 6

“Who taught you to shoot like that?” Officer Reeves asked.

His grin widened, and Roxxy had to hold back from rolling her eyes.

She smiled and shook her head. She was used to men always being in awe that a woman could outshoot them. It was the stereotypical question, and Reeves was no different than most men she came into contact with when she was working the major city precincts.

“My daddy taught me to shoot when I was a youngin,” she drawled, letting her southern roots show. Out in the country, girls grew up practically with a shotgun in hand. City boys never really understood that.

“Wow. Looks like I need to take my ass down to the range more often.” Officer Brown laughed.

He appeared to be a shy man who Roxxy learned had been on the force for about ten years and was ready to advance to something more than a patrolman.

“I used to live in our local ones. But then we live on a farm, so I have my own personal shooting range. Dad and I used to be out there for hours on days,” Roxxy shared.

Those were the great memories.

She and her father shot any and everything he put up as targets.

Her mother scolded both of them when chores got behind.

“If you don’t make SWAT, then what would you do?” she asked. It was a valid question that she needed to know for their evaluation. Most people didn’t make SWAT, and one thing they liked to report to the leadership was the aspirations of their employees.

“Well, if I don’t make it, it won’t be a bad thing. This is my first time trying out, and it definitely taught me that I am not in shape like I thought I was.” Brown laughed again.

Roxxy chuckled with him. At least he was realistic.

“Hell, if I don’t make it, I have my eye on a few other units. I just want to find my place.”

Roxxy nodded, having respect for him. It was good he realized that not everyone fit in certain groups. He was lucky he was on one of the police forces that had a lot to offer their policemen and women.

“Me, I’m sure I’ll make SWAT.” Reeves preened.

Roxxy glanced at him in surprise. For some strange reason, he was confidently sure of himself. When she’d observed him, he wasn’t the best candidate. The physical part he’d nailed, but when it came to shooting, he was off.

“I tried out last year and didn’t make it.”

“And you’re sure because of that, they’ll pick you?” she asked. She failed to hide her astonishment.

Reeves folded his arms across his chest with a cocky grin on his lips. “I’m sure of it. I’ve trained hard since last year. I’ve memorized all there is to learn and know about being on the team. I know all of the guys, and I’m sure they’re cool with me.” He shrugged as if he didn’t have a care in the world.

“They choose the best person for the fit for the team.” Brown rolled his eyes.

“And that’s me.” Reeves laughed.

Roxxy shook her head at the two. She turned and saw Mac making his way to her. Right behind him was Myles. Her heart instantly stuttered when her gaze was met by Myles’s dark eyes.

“Miss Sutton,” Mac greeted her.

Reeves and Brown both quieted down as the sergeant stopped next to them. They both were horrible at masking their emotions on their faces. Hope and admiration.

Roxxy seriously doubted either of them would make the team. There were maybe two potentials she could see, advancing to the next step, but these two officers weren’t her choices.

“Sergeant,” she murmured with a nod. She plainly ignored Myles and didn’t offer a greeting to him.

She caught his grin out the corner of her eyes, and she had to bite her tongue from snapping at him.

Could she handle a gun?

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