Page 6 of Dallas

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The four of them usually worked the same nights. Throughout the week when it wasn’t as crowded, four bouncers weren’t really needed. Friday and Saturday, they were there in full force to keep the place safe for not only the patrons, but for the employees also.

“Yeah.” Dallas refused to take his eyes off Candi while she took the men’s orders. “Make sure the bar knows they pregamed.”

“Will do.” Van moved on and headed toward the bar.

They would need to ensure the bartenders knew the newcomers had been drinking before they’d arrived, so that they wouldn’t over serve them. Safety was their top priority as security.

Dallas relaxed slightly once Candi moved away from the table to put their order in. He narrowed his gaze on the men, and his gut clenched. He didn’t like the feeling he was getting. His gut never was wrong and had saved his ass many times over when he’d been in desert with his men. He trusted it then, and he trusted it now.

Chapter Three

Candi blew out a deep breath. Her night had been going great so far, but now she had table forty-five filled with a rowdy bunch of guys who thought they were the life of the party. She gripped the counter of the bar tight. Her anxiety was rising with the thought of going back to the table.

“You all right?” Kay asked, coming to stand by her while they waited for Tony and Micki to make their drinks.

“Yeah. Just got rowdy wannabes in my section,” she muttered.

She glanced back over her shoulder at the table and caught the eye of one of the guys. He threw her a wink, and she rolled her eyes, turning back to Kay. Her friend knew her background and must have seen the apprehension on her face. They were close, and Candi had confided in her about Lamont.

Her ex-husband was currently serving time in prison, which she was thankful for. When he’d been notified that their divorce had been granted, he had started calling her collect from jail. She didn’t know how he’d gotten her telephone number. Her heart raced thinking of that first call. She’d answered her home phone, and when the recording for the person’s name calling played, he’d only left her a message.

A piece of paper doesn’t mean anything. You’re still mine.

A chill passed down her spine at the memory of his words.

The only thing that comforted her was that he was locked away. He couldn’t hurt her.

“If you need someone to switch with you, just say the word.” Kay laid a comforting hand on her shoulder.

Candi nodded and forced a smile. “I’ll be fine. I can’t do that to ya’ll. It’s already crazy, and it’s only ten o’clock.”

Tony sat two of the drinks on her tray. “Give me one second, and I’ll have the rest ready,” he said before turning away.

With the crowd, Toni and Micki were working in sync with each other to ensure everyone was getting their drinks quick, fast, and in a hurry.

“Just say the word, and we’ll switch,” Kay said. Micki brought Kay her drinks. “Promise me you’ll come get me.”

“I promise.” Candi sighed.

Kay stared at her for a brief second. Appearing to be satisfied with what she saw, she grabbed her tray and walked away. Candi scanned the club and caught sight of Dallas walking around. Relief filled her at the notion that he had moved closer to her area.

“Here you go, pretty lady,” Tony announced, bringing her the last of her order. He tossed her a wink before moving down along the bar.

“Thanks, Tony,” she said. Hefting up the tray, she turned and made her way to the table. Her heart pounded, and she tried to will it to be still. She’d served plenty of drunk, out-of-control customers before, and this would be no different. She’d smile, keep the drinks coming, and dodge their hands.

“There she is!” the guy in the group with the baseball cap on yelled out.

Candi took him as the leader.

“I’m back.” She smiled. She’d play along and sent up a prayer that they were decent guys out for a good time. She began passing out the glasses.

“What’s your name again, sweetheart?” the guy in the button-down asked.

She tried to not to roll her eyes as she handed out the last glass. Her name was always the butt of jokes. When she was younger, she had thoughts of changing her name once she was of legal age, but then as she got older, she’d learned to embrace her name. “Candi”

“I’m sure you’re just as sweet as your name implies,” Baseball Cap stated. He knocked his drink back and leaned toward her. “I love that sexy accent of yours. Where you from?”

“Is there anything else I can get you guys?” She tried to redirect them. She tucked her tray underneath her arm and pulled her pad and pen from her apron.

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