Page 35 of Dallas

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“Hold on,” he ordered.

Candi gripped theoh shithandle with one hand as he took a sharp left. The street he’d turned onto was a two-lane road that led away from the main streets and into an area of old warehouses and factories.

Dallas was quite familiar with the location, having patrolled it long enough to have it memorized.

“Shouldn’t we be going to the police?” Candi asked, her voice ending on a squeak.

“I am the police,” he growled.

He made a sharp right and cut off his lights. It was a short alleyway that would lead to the back of a brick factory. The structure was hollow. He slowed down and pulled into the loading deck.

The moon was high and provided just enough light to help guide him inside.

He’d walked through this building about six months before on a vagrancy call. The large windows had been broken out long ago. He drove to a dark corner and parked.

The only sound was Candi’s breathing. He reached over, opened his glove box, and took out a small pistol he kept in there. He double-checked to make sure it was still loaded and ready to fire. He grabbed his Glock from the glove box along with the holster

“Anyone comes to the truck that is not me, you don’t open the door. They get inside—shoot them in the face,” he ordered, handing the tiny weapon to Candi.

“I’ve never shot one of these before,” she whispered, enclosing her fingers around the barrel. “But I’m sure I can figure it out fast.”

“Let’s pray you will never have to.” Dallas leaned forward and pressed a hard kiss to her lips. He pulled back and took one last look at her. “Lock the doors and get in the back.”

Candi jerked her head in a nod.

Dallas slid out of the vehicle and attached his holster to his belt. He opened the back door and grabbed a duffle bag from the floor. He riffled through it, finding what he needed.

Zip ties. A knife.

Stuffing the ties in his back pocket, he tossed the bag into the truck as Candi climbed into the second row of seats. He strapped his knife to his ankle.

Dallas softly shut the door. Once the locks engaged, he released a satisfied grunt.

He withdrew his weapon from the holster and aimed it true while slipping off into the darkness.

He glanced over his shoulder. His SUV was well hidden in the dark corner.

Candi would be safe while he went on the hunt for those who were tailing them.

Stepping from the building, he blended in with the shadows. The sounds of tires meeting gravel carried though the silent air, alerting him they had company.

He wasn’t surprised they had tried to follow him.

Dallas welcomed the anger and rage spreading throughout his chest at the thought these men would hunt down an innocent woman.

He sent up a prayer that he crossed paths with Moody again.

Next time, the thug wouldn’t get off with just a broken arm.

His thoughts turned to Candi’s ex-husband, the true reason she was in danger.

Now he was the man Dallas would beg to be locked into a room with for thirty minutes.

Sounds of a vehicle braking pierced the silence. Dallas arrived at the corner of the ally and peered around the building.

Two men stepped from the SUV, looking around.

“Any sign of them?” the driver asked.

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