Page 20 of Dallas

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Screams pierced the air as the other men converged on Dallas.

He grinned.

A rush of adrenaline slid through his veins as his training kicked in.

Once a Marine, always a Marine.

He blocked a punch from Scarface and returned with a right, connecting with the man’s jaw, sending him hurtling onto the table behind him.

Dreadlock got one good hit to Dallas’s back. Dallas spun around, throwing two punches. One connected with Dread’s abdomen and the second one with Dread’s chin. He flew back and crashed onto the floor.

Just as he knew, the three of them were no match for him. Dallas was much quicker.

His attention snapped back to Moody who pushed off the bar with a shout.

“Fucker!” Moody brandished a knife from the back of his jeans.

Now we’re talking.

Moody rushed toward Dallas.

He caught the arm with the knife and in three quick moves had the knife in his hand and Moody lying on the floor with a broken arm. He rolled to his side, moaning and holding his arm to his chest.

“What the fuck, Dallas,” Tanner shouted, arriving to his side. His eyes narrowed on the men sprawled on the floor, moaning. “Why do you always get to have all the fun?”

“I actually liked the show.” Van chuckled, coming up on the other side of Dallas. “It was like watching an artist create a live-action painting.”

“Call this in,” Dallas ordered, ignoring the jokes. His adrenaline was rushing through him, and he was strung tight. “Here’s the knife that one just tried to use on me.”

The cops would need to come round these men up. Van pulled a clear bag from his back pocket that allowed him to drop it in there. He took it to hold on to for when the cops arrived.

“We got it from here,” Tanner said as Liam arrived with zip ties.

They would secure the men until the police showed up. Tanner and the others would move the men to the holding room in the back of the club so that the other patrols wouldn’t be disturbed any longer.

He turned around, searching for Candi. He prayed she hadn’t got hurt in the scuffle.

His gaze landed on her. She was standing off to the side with the manager, Adam.

Her eyes were wide, and even across the room, he could see the fear in them.

“You son of a bitch,” Moody cursed, struggling against Tanner’s grip. His furious eyes swung from Dallas and focused on Candi. “This isn’t over, Candi! Not by a long shot! You will—”

Dallas stalked to him and grabbed the man by his shirt.

“Watch what you say, asshole,” he snarled. Dallas’s rage was barely contained. Just for a brief second, he almost forgot he was a man behind a badge. He had to push down his anger or he’d be no better than the thug before him.

“Or what? You can’t protect her forever,” Moody spat. A cynical laugh spilled from his lips. “Wait until her husband hears what happened. He’ll make her pay.”

Dallas had to reel in the beast that wanted to punch the man in the face until he could no longer speak. He curled his free hand into a fist as he beat down the rage that boiled up inside him.

“Let’s go, asshole, before I let Dallas at you again,” Tanner threatened, dragging the man toward the back.

Moody let out a loud heckle. He wrestled against Tanner. “I’ll be out of jail by morning. Mark my words, Candi. You’ll pay!”

Liam and Van had the other two with them and guided them behind Tanner.

Dallas turned and weaved his way through the throng of tables to get to Candi.

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