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Nico ran through the hospital. He’d gotten the call while at a meeting with Max and some of their connects. Vini was in labor. Fear coursed through him as he raced to the hospital. Although he and the man upstairs still weren’t on good terms, he’d said a prayer. For his wife. For his child.

Shortly after they’d returned from going after Diego and annihilating his entire crew, Vini began to get sick in the mornings. They both thought she’d caught some type of virus or sickness from traipsing all over North and South America looking for Diego. Turns out she’d caught something all right. Except this parasite wasn’t going anywhere soon.

“Nico,” he heard his name and turned to find the source.

“Kiana.” Making a quick turn in her direction, he frantically looked around. All the people who mattered were here, most notably his parents, Max, Mama Bishop, and Big Mama. “Where is she?” Was that him hyperventilating?

“In here. Come on. You have to get changed quick. I think your little one is about to make their entrance.”

Joy filled him as he pictured the face of his child. He hoped their baby looked like Vini. Walking into the room, he looked at the woman he loved, and felt a tingle in the area of his nose and eyes. If he broke down and cried, Max would never let him live that shit down. Didn’t matter though. This was his wife. His child. He could have this moment. Her stomach was huge, their baby nestled inside, ready to make their way into the world. He was ready to meet their little person. It was time for he and Vini to reclaim this part of their life.


“Fuck you, Nico. My damn water broke and now I can’t get an epidural. They keep talking this bullshit about giving me something to take the edge off. That shit isn’t working for me. You know what, give me your gun. Somebody’s about to get shot up in this bitch.”

Leaning down, he kissed her softly on the lips. “No. You’re not allowed to commit murder in the hospital while having our baby. Your father would never forgive me if you were sent to jail after giving birth to his first grandchild.” At her pause, he pulled back, “Vini, I’m not giving you a weapon.”

Vini’s eyes were filled with tears and her breath was coming out in shallow gasps. “Oh fuck. Something’s happening. I think I need to push. Nico,” she grabbed his hand, squeezing hard. “Don’t leave me, Nico. I’m scared. Help me.”

The nurses ran from the room to get the doctor. Nico stood next to her, rubbing her brow and kissing her softly. “It’s going to okay. Just think about it, Vini. Our baby’s about to be born. I can’t believe we made it to this point. We made it.”

“I had no doubt,” she whimpered. “You’re still a demon.”

“You’re still my angel.”

After a deep exhale, she lifted her hand to his face. “Have you finally found peace? Are you happy?”

“Baby, you are my peace. Are you done seeking out the chaos?”

Tears filled Vini’s eyes as he spoke. Nico wiped the tears away from her cheeks as he looked into her eyes.

“As long as you’re by my side, the need isn’t as strong. You’re my rock. You keep me grounded. I love you, Nico.”

“I love you too,” he said just as the doctor entered the room.

Fifteen minutes later, their daughter was born, announcing her way into the world with a scream. Her loud cry could be heard in the hallway as her extended family celebrated her arrival. For the first time in his life, Nico felt his heart grow and fill with love for someone other than Vini. “My Angel,” he whispered to their daughter. “I’m so glad you’re here.” Leaning close to wife, he whispered, “Thank you for loving me. Thank for not giving up on us, for fighting for us. I love you, Lavinia Mitchell.”

“I love you too, Nicolas Mitchell. Now give me my baby and go grab our family. I need start teaching our little princess all the ways to disarm and maim a man in under five seconds.”

Laughing as he handed their daughter over, he turned to walk out of the room. “Isn’t she a little too young for that?”

“Nope,” Vini laughed as she adjusted the blanket around their daughter. “She’s never too young to cause mayhem and chaos.”

Smiling, he opened the hospital room door. “Just like her momma.”

“Damn, right,” she yelled behind him.

“Damn. That’s my girl.”

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