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I didn’t figure it was wrong to find out more about them. This is our home, and no one is going to mess with our clan. I followed two of the men who were the leaders.

“Fuck!” I yelled, almost crumpling the paper in my hand. “Dammit, Becca.”

Why didn’t she come to me with that information? I could have helped her without risking her safety. The woman was too damn stubborn. Who knew what the hell she was thinking?

If only I hadn’t let her pull away from me. I should have insisted that she maintain contact and tried to rekindle our lost connection. If we’d been close, she would have told me about the strange humans. I couldn’t help feeling this was partially my fault and I could have prevented her disappearance.

What if she was hurt?

My wolf whimpered as I turned back to the letter.

The insignia on their clothes is foreign and odd. I should have looked it up sooner, but I wanted to make sure they were normal humans. They aren’t, Theo. They’re some kind of organization called The Society. Posing as hunters, they search for shifters and capture them. I don’t know what they’re doing but I’m going to find out.

That was as far as I got before I roared and tossed the piece of paper on the dashboard. Seething with anger, my chest puffed out and I felt the change coming on. Heat infused my body at the same moment my wolf ripped open my humanity. I couldn’t stop the inevitable. Emotion was strongly linked to the man and the wolf which caused a nearly combustive reaction.

Yanking on the handle of the door while I still had the ability, I hopped out of my truck and dashed toward the trees. Luckily for me, no one was around. I barely had the time to strip before my bones began to snap and pop, rearranging into my wolf. Snarling, I pounded the ground as I took off through the forest and raced beneath the canopy of the cedar, oak, big-leaf maple, and spruce trees. My paws barely hit the dirt as I caught a whiff of Becca’s scent and I howled, thundering my displeasure for miles.

Her trail ran cold at the edge of the forest on the other side of the highway and I knew this was where she’d been captured. I could still smell the faded metallic droplets of her blood mixed with the soil. A recent rain had left only traces as my snout buried into the leaves and grass. Desperate to pick up any hint of her whereabouts, I growled when I caught which direction she’d been taken.

Several vehicles left deep enough tread marks that I was able to discern the same type of SUV was used for all three. There were signs of a struggle or planned attack. Scattered bullets from a shotgun were imbedded in the mud. The frayed end of a piece of rope was buried in the bushes nearby. More of Becca’s blood was visible in the twisted threads. Whining, my wolf pawed at the ground and demanded retribution.

Howling again, I headed back to the edge of the forest where I shifted and changed back into my clothes. Climbing inside the truck, I picked up the note and finished but it was hardly necessary. I already knew where I was headed but this confirmed my plans.

I got too close, Theo. They saw me and somehow knew what I was. I managed to slip away in wolf form, but I know they’re coming for me. I can’t hide forever, and I won’t lead them home. There are too many lives at risk and Elena is expecting her and Joe’s baby soon. My only choice is to lead them farther from Cedar Creek.

Find me. I know you can. You’re the best tracker I know.

Whatever mess is between us, I trust you. You’ve never let me down and I know you won’t now. If I’m right, my father already tried to stop you and you came anyway. I hope you keep going. We have too much unfinished business.


My anger temporarily fizzled away as I read her final words. For the first time in over a year, I began to hope that Becca wasn’t lost to me forever. Maybe Rinnick was right. Perhaps fate was finally stepping in and giving me one last chance to prove I was worthy of my mate. If I could rescue her, I’d be able to convince her of my love and devotion. Even after all this time, it never diminished.

A part of me was ecstatic but placing her in danger was never worth the opportunity. I’d rather she was home and safe and still avoiding me than her life at risk. This Society sounded like poachers and big game hunters who flaunted money, power, and authority. I’d seen this type of group before. Most of the time we outsmarted these hunting groups but every once in a while, we’d get a bunch of particularly nasty individuals who knew the truth and didn’t care about our humanity. They saw us as only beasts.

The Society and others like them neglected to realize one important thing – shifters were gifted with enhanced senses and abilities and we had no problem using those against our enemies.

Whatever awaited me I knew I’d fight to the death to save Becca. She was worth whatever sacrifice I would be required to make. Pinning all my hope on that letter, I left to find my mate.

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