Page 353 of Obsessive Temptation

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No contact with the outside world was excruciating for the first time in my Navy SEAL career. I finally knew what it felt like to miss another human being deep in my heart. So many times, I’d listen to my men talk about their wives and kids. I finally understood what that aching pain felt like. But a man in my position couldn’t ponder on thoughts of family, I had to focus and strive to stay alive. Leading SEAL team twelve into war was my number one mission.

Staring through night vision goggles my team, and I stood along a corridor waiting to storm the building and take out our target. He was a dangerous man who sent several sleeper cells to America to wreak havoc. Cutting the head off of the snake would help, but not end our problem. Another evil motherfucker would rise and we’d rush to destroy them also. That was what we did for the last six months, cut the head off of snakes.

I raised two fingers and motioned for my men to move in. A sea of men fired their weapons at us. There were more men in the compound then the number we were briefed on.

“Abort! Abort!” I shouted. One of my men was hit. I dragged him out of the compound.

“We need a chopper down here, now.”

Someone tipped them off. “Come on! Move!” I motioned with my hand.

“SEAL team twelve a chopper is landing now,” dispatch stated.

“Copy that.”

“Men, get on that chopper. I will hold them off.”

“Commander,” Jenkins held his arms out.

“That’s an order!” Gripping my machine gun, I backed up toward a road behind me. Firing my weapon bullets hurled through the air slamming into a few targets who fell over the wall above. I had to get out of there. I glanced over to my right. Jenkins helped another one of our men to the chopper a few feet away. I couldn’t make it to the chopper without getting hit. I ran down the road backwards. A bullet penetrated my side. Muscling through the pain, I ran down a hill and hid. I heard voices nearby. It was in my best interest to keep moving. Finding shelter, so I could stop the bleeding was all that ran through my mind. Stumbling upon a cave, I hid. Lying on the ground, applying pressure to the wound wasn’t helping. I needed to grab my medical kit, but I couldn’t risk making a sound. Aiden, you can’t die like this. Slowly my eyes closed.

Seven months had passed. Birds chirped, and the sun heated my back. I inhaled then exhaled, pressing the doorbell. Running my fingers through my long hair, I exhaled.

Silence. I peeked down the street, allowing the sun to warm my face.

“Hello, may I help you?”

I turned. “I’m home.”

Her eyes filled with tears, clutching her large belly. I pulled the screen door open damn near ripping it off its hinges. Gripping her belly, warm tears streamed down my face. “I never thought, I’d see you again.”

I wrapped her in my arms. “They said you were dead,” she cried.

“I’m here now. I had to find my way back home. I can’t believe I hadn’t seen you in nine months.”

She stepped back, grabbing my hand pulling me into the house. We sat on the sofa.

“I just want to look at you, Nadia. Fuck, I missed you.”

“I missed you and so did little Aiden.”

My eyes widened. “We’re having a boy?”

“Yes! Talk to him. He knows your voice. I play the voice recordings to him all the time.”

I rubbed her stomach. “Daddy’s home. I love you so much,” I sniffled.

Nadia caressed my bruised face. “This is all I wanted. You here with us. I love you with all my heart, Aiden. What happened?”

“It’s a long story.”

“I want to hear it.”

“I will tell you in time. Right now, I want to enjoy my family.” I pulled Nadia into my arms.

I’d eventually tell her about the hell I went through to return home. None of that mattered now. Only Nadia and Aiden Jr.

At three thirty in the morning my little man entered the world. Nadia said she was three days past her due date. Aiden Jr. held on until I returned. That was the best gift a man could ever receive. I knew I’d have to leave them again soon. That last snake I was after was still out there. I wouldn’t rest until I found him.

Holding my son in my arms, I pressed my lips against Nadia’s. “You did great, baby. You two are the only happiness, I’ll ever need.”

The End

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