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That was true. She hadn’t agreed to anything aloud, but I’d assumed she was going to stay when I’d asked her. I guess it was true what they said about making an ass of yourself when you assumed. I was well on the way to doing that with Chantelle.

“Okay, fair enough. Let’s go then.”

“Okay, well like I said, it was great hanging with you. Take care. Wait. What do you mean, ‘let’s go’?”

“Which part are you confused about?” My tone was snappier than I would have wanted, but what had just gone down with Arlo and Marnie had pissed me off, but also made me extra anxious to get back to Chantelle. Then when I did, she was trying to sneak away, just like I’d specifically asked her not to. My patience was dwindling, it was true.

I’d led Marnie to the band room, but I’d noted as we crossed the dance floor that it was the first time in as long as I could remember that I didn’t feel bad for myself for seeking out Arlo on Marnie’s behalf. I hadn’t seen her in months, and I was as glad to catch up with her as I would have been to see any friend, but that was all. It was a curious feeling, but I liked it. It made me feel…free.

Even when we’d found Arlo balls-deep in another chick, I’d felt for Marnie, of course I had, but it didn’t cause anger to pulse through my veins like it usually did when Arlo pulled a dick move like that. And when I looked across at her and noted her passive, untroubled expression, instead of my normal frustration, and desire to shake some sense into her, my overwhelming thought was “nmfp.” Not. My. Fucking. Problem.

Marnie had assured me she was okay, and for once, I’d taken her at her word and quickly returned to the main room of the club, ordered more drinks, and crossed the dance floor, back to Chantelle’s booth.

“The part where I’m going home, alone, and you’re…well, I have no idea what you’re doing, except to know that it doesn’t involve me.”

“That so?”

“Mmhmm. That is exactly so.”

“Well, that’s where you’re mistaken. This is the part where we skip to screwing each other’s brains out, like we’ve both been wanting to since our eyes first locked across the room. Let’s cut to the chase: you can cancel the Uber. Where we’re going is only a short cab ride away.”

I was as laid back as could be the vast majority of the time. It took a lot to ruffle my feathers, and even more to get me to act on it, but once in a while, I’d channel Arlo and release my inner a-hole. He’d just shown up, and he had zero chill.

Chantelle blinked once, twice, three times, but said nothing, and I knew I had her. Just to be sure, I leaned forward, pressed my lips gently to hers, and waited. Moments ticked by at half speed, and just when I was beginning to think I’d misjudged the situation, she moved against me, pushing her lips hard into mine. I returned the pressure, on reflex slipping my hand into her hair, pulling her even closer. She yielded to me, melting into my body like butter on warm toast.

I brought my other hand to the small of her back and pulled her against my straining erection. She responded by stretching up on to her toes, aligning our bodies better. I moved my hand from her back to lift her leg upward as she leaned against me, grinding myself into her, knowing I was hitting the spot. She swiveled her hips, rubbing against me in return, confirming my hunch.

I moved the other hand from behind her head to her neck and squeezed a little. Her moans of pleasure made me stupid with desire, and my mind strayed to all the things we could do right there in the booth, to save me the need to wait until we got to an actual bed before I could be inside her.

As if reading my mind, Chantelle pulled back abruptly, ending our kiss without warning.


“Nope what?”

“I’m not doing this. I’m not that person.”

“What person? I’m not following you.” That was a vast understatement. I had literally no idea what had changed between us in those few moments she’d gone from white-hot to stone-cold.

“The girl, no woman who puts on a show with some random on the dance floor of a crowded bar.”

“Okay, so let’s go. In around ten minutes you can be the girl, no the woman fucking me six ways from Sunday in a hotel room.”

“I wouldn’t be so sure about that. Apart from the fact that you just made a whole lot of assumptions that I’d be happy to prove wrong. If nothing else, there’s no way we’re checking into a hotel at this hour, especially on a Friday night. Not one that doesn’t book by the hour, at least, and damned if I’m going somewhere like that.” She folded her arms.

Things were going in the wrong direction fast. If I didn’t do something to rescue the situation, it was going to be all over before it had even begun.

“It’s nothing like that. Trust me?”

“I don’t even know you.”

“Sure you do. My name’s Luke Jones. I sing and play in the Heartless Few. I’m an identical twin. I know almost as much about movies as you do, and I’m more attracted to you than I have ever been to any other woman in my life to date.”

Which probably wasn’t very many, given his tender age.

“Even your beautiful ‘friend’ from before?”

I hesitated, having never had to think about it that way, before. The truth was, I’d never really given way to my feelings for Marnie. I couldn’t. I’d been shutting down my feelings for her for almost as long as I could remember, and would continue to do so while she and Arlo were still…whatever they were.

“Even her.”

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