Page 250 of Obsessive Temptation

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I didn’t know what would come of this thing we’re building, but with every passing interaction, I grow more smitten with him. I mean, come on, the man remembered my love of ethnic food. Quickly, I check my watch, realizing if I want to be on time with Kade’s plans, I have some planning to do myself. There is one quick pop-up meeting with Lauren in a few minutes, but other than that, not much else needs my immediate attention. If anything comes up, it can be handled by Erin. Grabbing my laptop, I head to the conference room while practicing a reason to ask to head out an hour early.

The follow-up with Lauren breezes by—there isn’t much of an agenda, she wanted to touch base on feedback from the last two contracts. In the midst of that, I’ve been awarded lead on several new campaigns. Convincing Lauren to let me off is easy; she doesn’t even hesitate.

With that, I rush to my office to put together a miniature to-do list for Erin. There isn’t much time left in the day, an hour and a half max, so I won’t mind her heading out early also. But knowing her, she’ll want to start on research.

“Erin, can you meet me in my office, please?” I say when I pass her desk that sits directly in front of my door.

“Yeah, sure thing,” she grabs her notepad and close the door behind her.

“I’m going to be heading out in a bit and wanted to extend an olive branch. You’ve been great with these last few projects, working on anything I need of you. Thank you! There isn’t much that needs pressing attention, so if you’d like to head out, you can. Treat yourself to a drink or something. But if you want to stay through the end of your shift, we’ve been given a few new contracts today. You can review the files and start the research. It’s up to you.” I take my seat, packing my purse as I talk.

“I think I’ll stay and work on the research. My friends are working, but if you’re okay with it, I’d like to take that offer for Monday. My boyfriend’s office Christmas party is that evening, and I’d love extra time to get ready.”

“You know I’ve been so focused, it didn’t even dawn on me that it’s holiday season. Of course you can leave early on Monday.”

Erin laughs. “What? Now, Jessica, you know I love you, but how did you forget it’s Christmastime. There’s lights and decor everywhere throughout the city.”

“I know, I’ve been distracted. I’m not going home to visit my family this year, so I guess I pushed it to the back of my mind.”

“You work too much.” She smirks.

“We both do!”

“For sure, but at least TrainX sees that. I can’t wait for next week’s holiday party.”

“Holiday party?”

“Jessica! You forgot about that, too?”

I shrug, frowning in mock embarrassment.

“Girl, we need to do better. Every year, they throw us this big bash. There’s an appreciation ceremony followed by a reception with all the bells and whistles. The CEO comes out to mingle with us, which is always fun because we only see him like twice a year. Once for the holidays and again over summer when we take our company retreat,” Erin gushes.

“Sounds fun.”

“You didn’t seem too enthusiastic just then.”

We laugh.

“I’m not really big on those sorts of things. I honestly don’t think I’ve ever participated in one with my previous employer.”

“Well, you have to get excited for this. It isn’t mandatory, but it’s mandatory. If not for the food and music then for Oliver Braxton. The man is seriously beautiful to look at and has the best personality.”

“Didn’t you just say something about a boyfriend?”

“Hey, ain’t nothing wrong with looking. Besides, we’ve never seen him with anyone. When I first started two years ago, a couple of girls rumored he might be into men.”

“All right, I’ll email you the file Lauren sent me. I’m on a time crunch, so I’ll need to leave. But we can talk about this awesome holiday party on Monday. Enjoy your weekend! Can you lock up my office when you leave?” I ask, ignoring the accusation she’s shared.

“Yes, of course. See you later!”

I gather my belongings and fasten my coat on the way out. As I ride the elevator down to the lobby, I call an Uber to take me from Ballston to Courthouse. I could easily take the train, but considering I’ve never been to either of these locations, I’d rather not risk getting lost. Kade did say it was imperative I be on time, and I wouldn’t want to disappoint.

Boing... Boing... Boing…At six on the dot my phone blares to life, singing the tone I saved to Kade’s contact. “I’m coming, I’m coming,” I say, rushing to answer it. “Hello.”

“There she is. Did you get everything?”

“I did, I just plated my food and am sitting down now.” I pull the chair out from the table and take a seat.

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