Page 222 of Obsessive Temptation

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Tiara skipped into work. Another Monday morning after another fabulous weekend. She was in a fantastic mood that nothing was going to ruin it, not even the sour-face of Mr. Davidson as he waited at her desk. She had quickly gotten used to spending her weekends with Jordan. The past few months had sped by. She had grown to anticipate the weekend for more than being free from work. The weekend meant time spent with Jordan exploring each other. Their relationship had developed into more than just a simple one-night stand.

She didn’t try to label what existed between them. It kept her from worrying about the future. Living in the moment was a lot more fun. Nothing to worry about. Until the time arrived that she needed to make a decision about the nature of her relationship with Jordan she wasn’t going to let imagined concerns interfere with her time spent with him.

Besides spending time with Jordan distracted her from needing to make a decision about her crappy job. The deadline she set for herself about her career at Barnaby’s had come and gone. When things ended with Jordan, she would just pack up and move on with her life. Maybe even move to a different city, but for now, she was content with her life. Jordan had a way of making things bearable.

“Good morning Mr. Davidson,” The old sourpuss wasn’t going to ruin her day.

“Miss Lawson. I am glad you made it into work on time.” He spoke with a pointed look at the clock as if Tiara was late every day of the week instead of early, such as now. She also looked at the clock which showed it was five minutes before her shift officially started.

“Is there something that I can help you with Mr. Davidson?” She gave him a sickeningly sweet smile. She had received a weekend of fucking from her hunk of a man, and nothing was going to ruin it for her.

“There is a company meeting in five minutes. I’m going to need you and your co-workers in there as soon as possible.” Tiara suspicion grew at the smirk on Davidson’s face. He was trying to hide it, but she knew he was up to something. He never smiled when it came to the women that worked underneath him unless one of them was getting fire. Then he was full of shits and giggles. What a prick.

“Anything you say, Mr. Davidson,” she gave him a sickly-sweet smile. She can fake things just as well as he could. Besides, she had another great weekend, and she wasn’t going to give him the power to ruin it.

She ignored Barb’s giggles as she finished putting away her purse and lunch bag. It didn’t take long to gather the rest of her pod and head off to the small auditorium that was used for this type of company-wide meetings. The place was packed. It must be a really important announcement that had the whole company here. She waved to a couple of her friends from different departments, looking around in curiosity.

There were several groups of people milling around on the stage. She recognized some of the people setting up the sound system. They were part of the IT team that kept the old equipment up and running since Peter Barnaby, old man, Barnaby’s son, wasn’t willing to pay for new computers.

Speak of the devil, Tiara noticed Peter standing on the stage talking to a group of people she wasn’t familiar with.

“Well this looks like it has the making of another boring meeting,” Barb whispered from next to her. They found an empty spot along one of the side walls to lean up against since it appeared all of the seats were taken.

Tiara was about to agree with her when Peter Barnaby stepped to the side and revealed the person he was talking to. Tiara froze on the spot, her mouth dropped open, and her panty grew damp in an automatic response to being in his presence. Just the sight of him got her motor running. This proved that she was addicted to him. She shouldn’t be getting hot at the sight of her lover standing on the stage at her place of business. If anything, she should be mortified at her response. Maybe a little horrified? Anything but turned on.

Why was he here? Finally, her brain started working at least until her eyes locked with his across the room. Was it getting hot in here? She started fanning herself as her body heated up from that smoldering gaze.

Damn, he was sexy. She always did love the way his suits molded to his body. She was happy to see that she wasn’t the only one affected. Even across the distance that separated them, she watched his eyes travel the length of her body and the sexual interest that sparked in his beautiful brown eyes. They gleamed brightly with lust as they took in her curves, his gaze doing a slow leisurely sweep of her body. He might as well had been touching her the way that his gaze caressed her. She shivered in response to his whiskey brown eyes devouring her.

Her gaze narrowed as a tall, thin brunette placed her hand on his arm and whispered in his ear. She watched as Jordan dipped his head slightly towards her, listening to whatever she had to say as his eyes stayed locked with Tiara’s.

She broke his gaze to take in the woman that had such a possessive hold on her man. She was beautiful. Tiara was confident enough in her looks that she had no problem acknowledging another beautiful woman, especially one with such creamy white skin. It was lovely, but it was no match to the bronze lush outer layer that recently was the object of Jordan’s tongue.

Tiara’s eyes slowly blinked closed at memories of being worshipped by Jordan’s mouth. The slow leisurely way that he licked his way from her feet up her body. How he paused to taste every inch of her smooth skin. Licking her like she was his favorite dish of ice cream. Enjoying the silky feeling of her skin with his tongue. Uncontrolled shudders racked her body as she responded to the memory. Her eyes opened to lock on Jordan’s face and the way his lips quirked up at the edge in acknowledgment of her passion. Her body grew warm.

All of the air must have been removed from the room. That was the only explanation for the lightheadedness that overcame her. She reached out to brace herself against the wall. He always had an effect on her.

“Tiara, are you okay,” she heard Barb’s concerned voice next to her, but nothing could break her gaze from Jordan.

“Yeah,” she whispered, “I’m just a little dizzy. I skipped breakfast this morning.”

“Oh, okay,” Barb accepted her excuse though she continued to watch her with a worried eye.

The excuse she gave Barb was a lame one, but she couldn’t very well tell her that the guy that she had been fucking, the one that had her smiling every Monday morning for months, was standing on stage being pawed by a beautiful brunette who acted like she had some sort of claim on him.

Damn. She had no right to feel the jealousy that was consuming her. The relationship between her and Jordan was strictly a hands-off type of thing. They weren’t girlfriend-boyfriend. They were fuck buddies. Nothing more. Nothing less. She needed to get her feelings under control. She needed to ignore the feelings of hurt that was hammering at her heart. They had made no commitment to each other. Jordan wasn’t hers, she silently told that persistent organ that beats faster for him.

As a matter of fact, she needed to reactivate her profile on the Proximity App. She wasn’t exclusive to Jordan, and it wouldn’t do her any good to act like she was. She needed to put herself out there and welcome another lover into her life. She pulled out her phone to do exactly that. She ignored the man on stage. He had his life that didn’t include her, and she had hers that didn’t include him. For a short amount of time, they were in each other’s lives, but it was time for them to move on.

She ignored the production happening on the stage and pulled out her phone. She would check out the app, again. Jordan wasn’t the only hot guy on there. But he sure was the only guy to get her motor running with just a simple look. She heaved a sigh.

“Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention please,” Peter Barnaby spoke into the microphone.

Tiara looked up from her cell to find Jordan still staring at her. She tilted her head to the side staring back at him. He did that slow sensual blink that she found super sexy. She fought the automatic shiver, her reaction to his gaze.

“Thank you for being here this morning,” Peter continued. “For so many years Barnaby has been the heart and soul of my father. It was his baby and when he passed away the life went out of Barnaby. I have struggled to keep up the great reputation of the company that existed from day one.” He paused as the audience broke out in cheering and clapping. After a few minutes, the noise died down, and he continued.

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