Page 196 of Obsessive Temptation

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He gives out assignments to each of us to help with the process. Even though I’m present, my mind is drifting back to the reaming I got near the elevator. That last part really hit me. The whole ‘princess’ thing.

“If no one has anything to add, you may all go back to your office. Have those accounts transferred and or closed by month’s or their cycle end. Whichever is first.”

We’re dismissed and we all head to our respective places. Lucas whizzes past me with not so much as an ‘excuse me’ or ‘move, bitch’. Glancing at the contents in my hand, I see the reports he requested. I make a U-turn and march into his office where his head is lowered while he reviews documents.

“Excuse me, Mr. Weathers,” I shyly state.

He looks up to see it’s me before returning to his work at hand. “What do you want, Greene?”

I’m thrown by his sudden change. This has only happened once, and that was Saturday at lunch with our folks. What kind of chameleon am I dealing with? “Mr. Weathers, here are those reports you asked about.”

“Yeah, an hour ago, but better late than never, right?”

I go to speak, but a message from my mom interrupts, prompting me to request tomorrow off to help with last-minute things. “I also will not be in tomorrow. Leah will run point with the Bristol group and call me if needed, but all that information is in the email I cc’d you on earlier.”

He doesn’t speak, only continues to jot down information and mark through my report.

I find myself getting a little angry with his nonchalant attitude. “Did you hear me?” I ask.

“Yes, I heard you. But it seems you didn’t hear me. Because in your world nothing matters if it’s not what you want.”

My heart gets this weird pain when those words are hurled at me. Not the nine-one-one type of pain, but a sharp truth about me. My eyes want to let loose the emotion hiding behind them, but I instead turn and step lively to my office. There are five people I find myself in need of at this moment. My mom, Aunt Beverly, Aunt Gwen, and Ben and Jerry.

“Tanya. I am done for the week, but I will have my work laptop if I’m needed. My aunts are here, and I think I’ll go join them for spa day.”

“My, sounds great. I’ll make sure Leah has the documents on PowerPoint for the meeting. Do I need to let Weathers know?”

I glance toward Lucas’ office and see him standing at Mandy Gere’s desk tee-hee-ing about something. She reaches out and touches his arm, her hand lingering, while laughing and flipping her blonde tresses. He catches me looking and steps away from Mandy towards our direction.

“No, I told Weathers, and I’m sure he’ll tell Armstrong. I have a big thing with my mom Friday, so Armstrong expected me to be off, but I was going to try to get in my monthly with the client. Anyway, I’m out. See you Monday.”

I walk to the elevator and press the button. Lucas slides beside me, but we say nothing at first. The doors open, and we both step in. I press the button for the garage, he presses for the main lobby.

“Did you get the food list for the reception?” he asks.

“Yes. I printed it and placed it in my princess folder,” I snap back.

“Well, my dad is pretty particular about those cupcakes.”

“I already placed the order Tuesday when I was ignoring you. I want to make sure my stepdad is happy with his…”

“No need to fake this conversation. I got a text from my dad to make sure the cupcakes were submitted for order. Guess I’ll see you tomorrow night.”

The doors open, and he steps out with his hands in his pocket and heads towards the exit doors of the building.

I continue to my car and go join my favorite ladies at the spa.

After our relaxing and very much-needed day at the spa, I take my family out for dinner at Wollensky’s Grill. Not only is the food amazing, but the views of the river at night are spectacular. I need a pick-me-up after the fire-starter week I’ve had. I made the reservations as we were getting dressed after our massages. The host seats us immediately, and I order a bottle of wine for the table.

“Thank you for such a wonderful day, Monie,” Gwen says before taking a sip of her drink.

“Yes. Thank you. I enjoyed the spa. I’ll have to get Marv to bring me when we go on vacation,” Bev chimes in.

I do love when the whole tribe is together. We have lots of fun. Aunts, uncles, cousins, Mom, and what used to be Dad. But since their divorce, he’s moved on to a new life. I wonder if that’s why my mom is marrying so soon.

“Now, Nina, why are you marrying this man after only a month of courtship? One of those weeks were on a cruise.” Aunt Beverly took my thoughts and formed the perfect question.

All eyes turn to my mother who looks a bit upset but seemingly feels she needs to answer in a diplomatic way.

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