Page 184 of Obsessive Temptation

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“Ahem,” I clear my throat, and they turn my direction.

“Oh, Charles, I’m sorry. This is my daughter Simone. Monie, this is Charles.”

I think of how my mother never calls me Monie unless she’s around family or someone real close. He must be the latter. “Hi, nice to meet you.”

“You too, darling. My, you are just as beautiful as your mother.”

“Thank you.” I blush. This man is charming.

“Here, why don’t you ladies take a seat, and I’ll going to go see if my child has arrived.” He pulls out two seats opposing each other for my mother and I to take. “Well, never mind, the eagle has landed.”

“Dad, sorry I’m late. Work took a lot out of me yesterday.”

The hairs on my neck stand when I hear that voice. It can’t be, I think to myself.I close my eyes and say a silent prayer. Oh please, please, please, don’t let this be—

“Nina, Monie, this is my son, Lucas. Son, this is Nina and her daughter, Simone.”

Prayer unanswered. I stand to be polite and see the smirk he usually has dissipate at the same time our gaze meets.

“Ms. Nina, it’s a pleasure meeting you,” he says coyly before kissing the back of my mother’s hand.

He does a great job concealing any emotions towards me, last night, or this shocking revelation. If I hadn’t spent the last two years in an office battle with him, he’d fool me, too. But, the tension in his shoulders and the lack of eye contact tells me otherwise.

“You, too, Lucas. Your father has spoken well of you,” my mother says once he takes the seat beside me.

“Monie, aren’t you going to say something to the young man?”

I look to him, contemplating my answer, only to see a scowl on his face. My intuition screams resentment from him, leaving me to believe this morning left a bad taste in his mouth.

“No, Mother. I’m not,” I say with vinegar on my lips. “We already know each other. We’re co-workers.” I relax my breaths, trying not to let his demeanor affect me in front of our parents.

“Oh, what a small coincidence,” Mr. Weathers says with a hearty laugh.“So, you must’ve been up late with work, too,” he says.

“Well, Dad, I’m sure we don’t want to discuss last night, right, Simone,” Lucas interjects with his elbows rested on the table, still refusing to look at me.

I inhale deeply and straighten my shoulders. “I agree. Some things shouldn’t be discussed or ever thought about again.”

The waiter arrives, halting whatever snarky remark he’d surely follow up with. “I see your guests have arrived, Mr. Weathers. Can I get you all something to drink?”

“I’ll have a Manhattan, and my love will have a mimosa.”

“Very good, sir. And what can I get you two?”

“I’ll have a scotch with a twist of lime,” Lucas states.

“I’ll have the same. Make it a double,” I add.

“Must’ve been some project y’all worked on,” Mom chimes in.

We say nothing, just give awkward glances at each other.

“Well, Lucas had a hot date, too, from what he told me. He left her place around eleven this morning. “

I choke on my water when Mr. Weathers begins to tell our business, not knowing I’m the girl Lucas was with.

“Oh, my. Well, Monie hasn’t had any romantic interests in a while. I wonder if she’s gonna end up alone.”

I was waiting on the ‘why is my daughter single’ spiel. From the debutante scene, head cheerleader in both high school and college, and the sorority life, my parents figured I’d have a storybook life. But I never aspired to be the ‘little woman’ or even the equal half of anyone. I’ve always been career driven and goal orientated.

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