Page 182 of Obsessive Temptation

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I slap him a bit on his thigh, and he jumps up, hitting his head on the table.

“Fuck!” he exclaims while rubbing his boo-boo.

“Oh shit, I’m sorry. I had to make sure you were alive since I called you twice and there was no response. Didn’t mean to startle you.”

His gray eyes look at me with a hint of ‘fuck off’. I think he sees through my façade. “What time is it anyway?” he asks as he presses the power button on his phone to turn it back on.

“Eleven o’clock,” I reply. I gather all his things and hand them to him. “I’m sorry. I have to meet my mom in an hour, so…”

“Yeah, yeah. No worries. I have to pick up my dad from the airport, then we are going to go grab a bite so he can tell me all about his trip.”

He slides his jeans back on, sans underwear, and I can’t help but watch him put the monster back inside. I shake the impure thought away and focus on the brush-off attempt at hand.

“Oh, sounds lovely. Look, can you lock the bottom on your way out? I’m gonna go hop in the shower. Thank you for a nice evening.” I saunter off to my bedroom and secure the door so he can’t follow. I take a few moments to listen intently for the front door to close. When it does, I scurry to my window and see him walking down the street to a waiting car. I take a deep breath and go start my shower.

As the temperature of the water warms, I look through my closet for something to wear. Seeing how my time is limited, I grab a pair of jeans with little rips, a classic rock t-shirt, and, of course, chucks. Setting my items on the bed, I get in the water and allow it to wash off the remnants of last night, or was it this morning? Either way, I want to rid myself of the experience. It wasn’t a bad one. No, in fact, it was…fuck it. It was amazing.

My body felt charges it has never felt before. And those positions…I didn’t know I was so limber. Didn’t know he was so big. He is cocky, and arrogant, and…sexy as sin allows. But he’s my rival. We’re enemies when it comes to work. I shouldn’t even be thinking about his piercing gray eyes or plush pink lips or… seemingly forked tongue. I bite my bottom lip when I think of how that one part of his body had me coming apart at the seams. Quickly, I let out a deep sigh and shake my head before he causes another orgasm, but at the mercy of my hands.I continue to bathe, putting all of yesterday’s memories behind me and go meet my mom for lunch.

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