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My father was the last to know as word spread fast throughout the packs. He bellowed my name downstairs as Theo and I straightened our clothing and rushed down to meet him.

“Are you going to explain this, daughter?”

“Explain what?” I asked sweetly, squeezing Theo’s hand.

“Why the hell I’m hearing that Theo is your mate.” My father’s expression was thunderous.

“Theo is my mate.”

His face turned red as he glared in Theo’s direction. “I refused to give my consent.”

Theo shrugged. “I love her, Jedd. I’ve loved her as long as I can remember. Becca is my one true mate. I hope you’ll finally agree to our union, but I’m done living without Becca in my life.”

Silence fell as I heard Theo say those magical words. Fated mates weren’t supposed to be real but the way we felt about each other was proof enough that it was a possibility.

“You’re going to have to accept him because I’m pregnant,” I blurted. The half-truth slid easily from my tongue as my father’s eyes widened. He didn’t need to know I wasn’t sure about the baby.

My father’s sharp intake of breath was proof of his shock. He sank into a chair and remained silent as he processed my words. “Becca? You’re going to have a baby? Are you mated properly?”

“Yes, the night before I returned to Cedar Creek.”

His head dropped into his hands as he groaned. “How did I miss something so important?”

“Daddy, you didn’t want to see it.”

He lifted his head and I thought I saw tears glisten in his eyes briefly. “You’re my little girl.”

I walked up to him, stopping only a few inches away. “You took my choice away from me five years ago. I lost the only man I’ve ever truly loved. I’m not willing to lose him again. Theo is my choice, Daddy. He always has been, even when you tried to separate us. He’s my one true mate and it’s time you stopped fighting against us.”

Jedd worked his jaw, trying to find the words to say. He didn’t like the idea and maybe he never would. As I stared into his dark eyes, I reached up to tug lightly on the salt and pepper beard that hung from his proud chin.

“And he’s the father of my child. Nothing else matters.”

Those words seemed to have a profound effect. My father wrapped his arms around me and squeezed. “I can’t believe I’m going to be a grandfather.”

Theo’s uncle David clapped my father on the back as he entered through the back door. “It’s big news.”

“I can’t believe it either,” Ted exclaimed as he glanced at his son. He rushed in and hugged his son with excitement.

“Dad,” Theo joked, “I’m pretty sure you were hoping it was soon.”

“Maybe so, Theo. I’m not getting any younger,” he declared as he poured a shot of whiskey and downed it, filling two more glasses and passing them along. “To the future!”


Stunned, I stood completely still. Did Becca really say those words, or did I imagine it? Did she finally stand up to her father express her wishes? After all this time I finally had my mate at my side.

Becca Harlow, my mate and soon to be mother of my cubs, was full of surprises.

It didn’t matter if she was already breeding or not. I’d fix that problem soon enough. In fact, I planned on keeping her in bed until I was certain my seed had planted. No more games. No more lies. Nothing was coming between us ever again, even the stubborn young woman I loved with all my heart and her selfless decisions for family.

Her fiercely loyal nature was one of the things I adored about Becca even when it kept us apart. That was the past now. It could stay buried there. When she turned and her eyes sparkled with hints of violet, I could see my entire future nestled within those sparkling irises.

Holding out my hand palm side up, I offered my love, my life, my every hope and dream. They all began and ended with Becca. While our fathers drank a toast to our union, I led her quietly up the stairs and shut the door, this time determined not to have any interruptions as I flipped the lock.

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