Page 162 of Obsessive Temptation

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My friends Octavia Smith, Anita Holley, and Leelayna Hinton, sit at a table in the Inferno Lounge. As usual, Anita is the life of the bunch. We have three shots of tequila each sitting in front of us. The club is dim with flashing lights of blue and red but the atmosphere completely shields me from the reality of having to think of getting dumped by a loser like Stanley.

“Let’s drink to Kassidy’s new found freedom. I always knew that Stanley was a rotten lowdown womanizer bastard anyway. Trust me on this Kassidy, he didn’t deserve a good faithful woman like you.”

“I agree,” our friend Anita joins in. “Stanley is a pompous ass with a stick up his butt. You can do better sweetheart,” she gives me a look of sympathy.

“I’ll drink to that,” I plaster on a smile and pick up a shot glass. I bring the glass to my lips and throw back its contents in one gulp.

“Shit! That’s some good stuff,” Octavia says. She’s the flirtiest of my three friends. She never dates just one man because she says when one acts a fool there is always another one on hand. Hell, maybe she’s right. Some men can be such dirty dogs. Stanley just happens to be leading the pack.

“I feel for you, Kass,” Octavia chimes in. “You remember that I went through a bad breakup with Donnie last year. He was sleeping around with multiple women. I was so stressed... That’s when I lost our baby,” Octavia says.

“Humph, Donnie was, and still is, a complete ass. He was an even bigger cheater than Stanley,” Anita responds. “I’m sorry you had a miscarriage, Octavia but maybe it was for the best. You would have had to be tied to Donnie for at least the next eighteen years. Now you’re free of his lies and cheating ways.”

“Yes, I agree,” Octavia coincides. Anita bobs her head to the music and takes a sip of her drink. “You two need new men in your lives ASAP.” She adjusts her low cut clingy dress over her boobs.

I remain silent, but I reach over and give Anita’s hand a comforting squeeze. I don’t let on but I have no plans to date anytime soon.

Anita eyes meets mine and she gives me a slight smile. I can tell the lingering effect of her pain still affects her deeply. I wonder when will my own heart stop hurting. It’s been three weeks since my ex fiancé trampled all over my heart.

“Hey, I have an idea,” Octavia claims, snagging my attention.

“What is your brilliant idea?” I tease her.

“Lets dance!” She says and hops up from the table.

“Great idea!” Leelayna chimes in. My friends seem to be on one accord except me. I look out at the crowded dance floor and watch the gyrating bodies move to the constant beat of the music. The couples are flowing in nimble arcs, bodies in continuous rhythmic motion, to the loud beat of the music.

“You all go ahead. I’ll join you later. I’m going to the bar to get me another drink,” I tell them.

“Okay, but hurry,” Anita adds before they take off towards the dance floor. I stand and head towards the bar.

I had just made it to the bar and trying to get the busy bartender’s attention when I hear a baritone voice beside me speak. My head whips around and I crane my neck to look up into the man’s face.

“Hello beautiful,” a voice that remind me of Dirk says over the chatter and loud music going on around us. He leans over closer to me to be heard and the aroma of his smell makes me want to swoon. I grab the edge of the bar to help me remain on my feet.

I turn and look up at one of my gorgeous bosses. My mind silently screams, I must be dreaming. I gulp in awe. Is Dirk Hawking’s really here looking at me as if he could gobble me up?

My attention focuses on his eyes then trails down to his broad shoulders. A deep growling sound eases from his mouth. My eyes widen and I peer up into his gorgeous face. Shivers travel all over my body. Suddenly I feel a bump from my other side. I jerk my head around and Nikolai is standing beside me.

“Ahem,” I try to swallow the sudden lump in my throat. I'm wedged between two gorgeous giants at the bar. Things like this never ever happens to me. I can feel a trickle of sweat ease between the valley of my breast area.

“Hello beautiful, what are you doing here? I’m happy to see you here though,” Nikolai says giving me an expectant look.

“Umm—,” I pause for a moment because I can't seem to gather my thoughts. I nibble on my bottom lip, and this time I hear a growl escape Nikolai's lips. “I'm here with some friends,” I sputter out fast. I inhale and a spicy, exotic scent unlike any I've smelled before assaults my nostrils from Nikolai.”

“Cool. I hope you can ditch them for a while and spend some time with Dirk and me. Now what about letting me and Dirk buy you a couple of drinks.” His succulent lips curves into a sexy smile.

“Oh okay,” my voice squeaks out on a high note. My cheeks flush but I'm glad my dark brown color and the dim lightening surrounding us hides the flush that spreads across my cheeks.

“What will you have, lovely lady?” Nikolai asks.

“I was drinking tequila, so I’ll stick with that,” I glance over my shoulder, and I am met with the stare of all my friends. Anita is giving me a thumbs up, and the others are smiling and giving me the look of encouragement.

Nikolai gets the bartender's attention and orders tequila shots for the three of us. My focus is on my crazy friends and their antics.

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