Page 149 of Obsessive Temptation

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Shit! What am I thinking?I pull my pants leg down to make room for my growing erection. This interview is going much different than any I’ve given all because of the dark beauty sitting before me.

My eyes drip over her body even though I try not to. Kassidy’s womanly curves call out to me. My body tenses. My heart thunders a little faster, pumping blood like fuel through my veins. My jaw clenches and my cock swells eagerly against my dress slacks.

It’s been too fucking long since I've felt instantaneous lust for a woman. This just won't do.

I can see why Nikolai sent me the text filled with excitement. We’re similar, my best friend and I, when it comes to our type in women. Business is another matter where Nikolai and I click so well together. We are both courageous, driven hard to prosper and we leave no stone unturned until we get the job done.

Shit, I can’t explain the feeling that's come over me since Kassidy entered this office. I want to dislike her. I want to tell her she's not hired, but I can't find any logical reason to do so. I know this woman will be trouble. I can't explain how but I just know. Some things are just a known fact, as this sudden obsession to see her naked and lying beneath my body while I thrust my shaft inside her slick cunt to the hilt. Fiery lust emblazons me, and I clench my jaw to stop these fucking emotions from zooming through my body.

I learned long ago that fierce lust soon fizzles out once I've fucked my goal. I push myself to end this interview as quickly as possible. I need to get my head straight. I snap out my questions like bullets. I realize I'm curt, but I can't help it.

Perhaps it’s the way her nipples press hard against her clingy shirt, and the way her luscious brown cleavage calls for me to bury my face between her globes. I wonder what kind of panties she has on under that tight skirt of hers.

When the interview is over, I stand from my seat and extend my hand out for Kassidy to shake. When she grabs my hand I can feel an electrified zing run through my system.

Why this woman is having this effect on me?I attempt to shake it off. Fuck. This woman is made to love and fuck. Oh hell, where did that thought come from?

Damn it. I want to fuck our new assistant, and it makes me all kinds of angry!


From the moment that I raise a hand to knock on the dark mahogany door with a gold emblazoned plaque naming the office as Dirk Hawking’s. I gasped aloud when the door is abruptly opened before my hand even made contact.

Dirk stood before me, slightly shorter than his partner. He is about six feet and one inch tall, and a little less broad with a sharp jawline and brilliant blue eyes. His hair was long and black and pulled back in a loose ponytail He’s dressed more relaxed in grey slacks and a white dress shirt with the top three buttons undone.

“Miss Davis, come in. I’m sure you know I’m Dirk Hawking’s, Co-CEO of N&D Incorporated. You may call me Mr. Hawking’s. Have a seat and let’s get down to business, shall we?”

“Oh, okay,” I walk over to the chair he indicates for me to sit in. “It’s a pleasure to—”

Mr. Hawking’s cuts me off. He’s a rude one, but I sit stiffly and attempt to hold my smile in place.

“Let me explain that our assistant, Nola McAllister, is leaving to spend more time with her husband and kids. The person we hire needs to be at our beck and call,” he says in a gruff tone border lining on unfriendly. “Do you have any problems with that, Miss Davis?” His icy blue eyes pierce me to the bone.

I almost become speechless, but I mutter through by saying, “Mr. Hawking’s, I can assure you that my credentials are in order, to do this job. I—”

“Less talk Miss Davis and more action. Can you start work tomorrow morning?”

“Yes, I can.”

“Good. You may see your way out and report to me first thing tomorrow morning,” he gave me a dismissive stare before swiveling his chair around to face the picturesque window.

My nails bit into the palm of my hand from clenching my fist too tight. I grit my teeth from an effort to remain quiet. If I didn’t need this job, I would tell Mr. Hawking’s where to shove it. Instead, I stood without a word and headed out the door.

As I leave the office, I force myself to not look back at him. I can feel his stare burning into my back. What's wrong with? Why am I letting these men get under my skin like this? I close the door and walk to the elevator. I'm hoping it will open as fast as possible so I can get out of here and regain control.

My heart wants to beat out of my chest. Finally, the elevator door slides open. As I step inside it cloaks me within its metal space. My hands covers my face. My mind screams as I punch the button to the first floor. Once the elevator stops and the doors slide open, I dash out of the building and to the safety of my car like my life depends on it. I attempt to get my breathing under control before I start the ignition. Thank God my car doesn’t give me any trouble because Dirk Hawking’s just caused my day to go to shit.

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