Page 147 of Obsessive Temptation

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“Right this way, Miss Davis. Nikolai Pierce is ready to see you now,” the secretary walks me to another office.

“Miss Davis,” inquires a deep and inquisitive voice.

I straightened my spine as I confronted one of the owners of N&D for the first time. The office is massive. Oh my God! He is absolutely gorgeous! The black and gold plaque on the door states the office belongs to ‘Nikolai Pierce’. I hope my rapid beating heart doesn’t let on how nervous I am. His silvery gaze pierces straight through me. My legs become weak, and I fight to stay standing on my feet. The business magazines didn’t do justice to this gorgeous and chiseled man that stands before me.

Mr. Pierce is young, vibrant and broad-shouldered. His golden-blond hair is worn slicked back, and he looks like a wet fantasy waiting to happen. His aroma cloaks me, and he smells a bit like sage, with a hint of vanilla. Delicious!

I give myself a mental shake and clear my throat before I speak. “Yes, I’m Kassidy Davis.” I blink rapidly and look somewhere over his right shoulder to avoid his piercing stare. I notice an arch to his sexy lips. I wonder if at that moment he can tell how flustered I am. His eyes seem to know something that I don’t in the way his glance peruse me from my head down to my four-inch heels. Suddenly he grabs me by surprise and extends his hand. I place my hand inside his to shake. When I go to pull away, he holds on with that one-sided smile still attached to his lips.

Nikolai stare holds mine in a fiery glance. Mr. Pierce is tall, at least six foot three inches in height. I have to tilt my neck to look up at him, even in high heels! I continue to blink in rapid succession as his eyes burn deep into my brown orbs. The depth of his stare touches me to my very soul. I can feel color rising to my brown skin. I hope to God I’m dark enough to hide my flustering emotions.

Finally, Nikolai releases my hand but only to place it at the small of my back. I shiver instantly from the pressure of his warm hand. I am too old for this! How can a younger man affect me in this way?

“Come and take a seat,” Nikolai directs me. “Please make yourself comfortable,” Nikolai adds. Nikolai’s eyes are like ice, but every time he looks at me I get hot all over. How the hell can I work in this state day in and day out? I never once felt this way around Stanley. My God, this man is too sexy for his own good— I thought. I know that I need to remain professional. After all, Mr. Nikolai Pierce could be my potential boss.

“Thank you,” I reply sitting back in the soft cushioned leather seat. I once again attempt to tear my gaze away. I take the time to breathe in deeply before slowly exhaling. I glance around the sizeable pristine office while trying to get my emotions under control.

I think to myself that my new boss, Nikolai Pierce, is going to be hard to work around without getting hot and bothered. I have an inkling feeling that if I don’t keep my head on straight, I will be fighting a losing battle where my head and heart is concerned.

“Are you husband or boyfriend free?” Nikolai catches me off center with his words.

I think about my recent breakup with that cheater Stanley. “Um, pardon me? Is that a requirement for me to get the job?” I ask a question of my own. I am still upset about Stanley dumping me. It is such an embarrassment, and it does absolutely nothing for my self-esteem. Stanley would never know the depth of hurt this break up has caused me. Also, I know the demographics of black women in America. Demographically speaking, only twenty-nine percent of black women are married compared to forty-eight percent of all Americans. And only fifty percent of black women like me have never been married compared to thirty-three percent of all Americans. I bristle under Nikolai’s bold stare.

“No, Kassidy that isn’t a requirement.”

“Are You stereotyping me because I’m a black woman?” I can feel the beginnings of a frown starting on my face.

So, that’s how young rich, handsome billionaire bosses like Nikolai Pierce keep their company thriving with a specific type. Why did I think N&D would seriously hire someone like me. I am assured that I am more than qualified for this position, and I know it. Let’s see what drivel he comes up with to deny me the job.

“To be honest Kassidy, I asked that question for personal reasons.” His grey gaze strokes my body as if he’s physically touching me with his hands.

My body begins to tremble. My mouth opens to speak but closes before any words come out. I snap my mouth shut because I don’t want to look like a gaping fish.

Suddenly he disarms me with another sexy ass grin and my frown completely dissipates. My lips automatically turn up into a returning smile as I look at Nikolai, my I silently pray he will be my new boss. This interview is going far from how I imagined.

I dispel a long breath. “To be truthful, my boyfriend dumped me for a younger and thinner woman than me. According to him, my weight is getting out of control,” as the truth divulges from my mouth, I can't help but break eye contact.

“Ahem, well I say your ex is a damn fool. Don’t you dare change a hair on your head. You are a beautiful woman Kassidy Davis, and I’m sure any real man will be happy if you were his. Your lovely curves and all. Besides, you are definitely not fat. The asshat must be blind.”

My body warms all over because of his words. “Thank you, Nikolai.” I say as my smile grows wider.

“I am only speaking the truth.” There he goes again with his penetrating stare, making me feel all hot and bothered. I bet all the women feel like this in his presence. A woman has to be dead not to feel anything when Nikolai gives them his undivided attention.

My heart rate increase sitting here under Nikolai’s desirous scrutiny, I become slicker in my nether regions. I squeeze my thighs together and bite my bottom lip to staunch a moan from slipping past my lips.

What the hell is wrong with me?I have never felt this way before. I feel embarrassed to be sitting here like a woman in heat. One more squeeze of my thighs will be all it takes and I will cum.

“Are you alright Kassidy? Do you need some ice water or anything?” Nikolai asks me with an all-knowing glint in his gaze.

“Um, no. I’m fine,” I lie.

“That you are,” his silvery gaze roam over me again. My eyes close on its own volition as my thighs press together against my will. I grab the armrest of the chair and squeeze as electrical shocks run rapidly inside my core.

“Fuck!” Nikolai’s voice growls out. My eyes fly open, and our eyes clash. “Damn, I can use a strong drink,” he says raking a hand through his silken strands. I sit there totally humiliated. I feel like bolting for the door and never looking back, but I sit there like a statue to see if Nikolai will bring my humiliation to light.

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