Page 141 of Obsessive Temptation

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Delightfully Ours

Theresa Hodge



“Why do you eat cake like that Kassidy? You already know you're a big girl and can stand to lose some weight.”

I pick up the napkin from the table and brush the cake crumbs off my lips. I glare at my boyfriend, Stanley, who is sitting across from me and looking at me with a sign of impatience in his eyes.

“Why don't you tell me what you really think?” I say as I brush a stray piece of wavy natural hair from my face.

“I'm just saying, every time dessert is offered at a restaurant, party, or event, you don't have to accept. I thought you promised me you would lose some weight.”

“Stanley, I've been on every fad diet known to man,” I explain, thinking that I should order another slice of cake just to wipe that pompous look off his face. It is really depressing listening to my boyfriend complain about me and gloating about how imperfect I am every time we get together. He doesn't know the only thing I had for breakfast this morning was half a grapefruit and a boiled egg without the yoke. I even skipped lunch altogether, but I don't enlighten him of that fact.

Instead I say, “Stanley, you knew I was between a size twelve and fourteen in plus-size clothing when we met two years ago. If you are so turned off by my weight maybe we shouldn't be talking about a future together after all.”

“Well, I'm glad you brought that up.” Stanley clears his throat before taking a sip of red wine from his glass. It's like I'm watching everything in slow motion. A feeling of dread comes from out of nowhere and blindsides me.

“Kassidy, I met someone new. I think we should break up. I tried to see past all of this because you have such a pretty face.” A feeling of anger rushes through me as Stanley waves his hands in the air. “You have potential if you lost some weight.” He is acting like he just finished discussing the weather and it drives me nuts.

I look down at the plate of breadsticks sitting in the middle of us, contemplating why I had fallen for Stanley in the first place. I glance at the red tablecloth that lay neatly across the table but no answer forms to mind. Words flee my brain and all I want to do is ball my eyes out but I can't allow Stanley to see me cry. I can't give my now ex-boyfriend the satisfaction of winning. I glance at the two carat ring on my finger he just gave me the month before. I feel like my finger is suddenly on fire. I then take a deep breath before beginning to speak.

“I guess you want your engagement ring back, huh?”

“I think that would be best. Don't you? I can resell it to recoup my losses.”

Hell, Stanley Jones is a cold piece of work. He is blunt about his intentions and doesn't give a damn who he hurts or how he hurts people, especially me, in the process

“What's her name?” I ask. I am a glutton for punishment.

“None of that matters now. The ring please,” Stanley demanded as he held his hand out for the ring. His palm was facing upward and his fingers wiggled like a toddler who wants what everyone has instead of their own toys!

My lips begin to tremble and my insides start to quiver like the beginning of an earthquake. I twist the ring off my finger and drop it into Stanley's upturned hand. I wonder what I ever found lovable in Stanley besides his dark chocolate skin, low cut fade, dark brown eyes, and thick kissable lips. He was a tall sexy cup of hot chocolate, and in this moment, I hate him.

“Thanks,” he says as if he is making a money transaction. It makes sense considering he manages loans at the Trans-State Bank. I am a receptionist at the same bank and there is no way in hell I can work with Stanley now! I can't be in the same building as him. I am at risk of coming into contact with him day after day and that just isn’t my cup of tea. My mind is made up! I will put in my two weeks notice of leave with Trans-State bank of Seattle as soon as possible

“Are you through eating?” he asks giving me a thorough glare of disgust.

I stare at him with mist in my eyes. I don't realize that I am midway through chomping on a breadstick I had picked up. Eating is almost like my own personal lifeline… I am such an emotional eater. I glance with envy around the restaurant at happy smiling couples dining in the intimate setting. Most whom are beautiful, slim women who are dining with their significant others.

“Stanley I can’t believe that you would treat me like this. Have I ever meant anything to you? Anything at all?” I try to hold back my tears, but they slip treacherously from my eyes no matter how hard I try to blink them away.

“Kassidy, we haven’t been working out for a long time. Maybe after you lose some weight we can try again. I do love you but— the sex is subpar at best between us these last few months.”

“Stop lying, Stanley! You don’t love me. I was plump when you met me. You said you liked women with meat on their bones. You said—,”

“Keep your damn voice under control. You don’t want to bring unwanted attention to yourself. For your information, Kassidy, I said that two years ago when you were a size ten. You hooked me, and you just let yourself go. I warned you when I asked you to marry me last Christmas that you needed to get your eating habits under control. I will even buy you a membership at the Knight & Knight Brothers Workout Facility where I have a membership if you want me to.”

“Fuck you, Stanley. I hope you and your new lover are as miserable as you’ve made me,” I throw the breadstick I had been eating at him. It hits Stanley in the chest with a soft thump. I start to rise from my seat.

“Oh, that’s very mature of you Kassidy. Why don’t you act like a mature thirty two year old woman? Jessica is the epitome of a classy, beautiful young woman who has her shit together both physically and mentally. AND, she’s only twenty two!”

“Did you just say Jessica?”

Suddenly Stanley goes rigid and silent.

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