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“I don’t know!”

My arms were clutched tight against my chest. Nostrils flared and chest heaving, I glared at him. “You need to find out, and fast. I will not continue paying rent in this piece of shit!”

“Well fucking move out! All you do is complain.”

“I’m reporting you. This is against the law. I’m sure this building isn’t up to code. I think I will call the city and have someone come out and perform an inspection.”

He narrowed his eyes. “I will check the furnace and get it working as soon as I can!” Mitch slammed the door in my face.

I stormed back down the hall into my apartment, slamming my door, too. I grabbed my cell, calling my mother.

Hello, Malaysia. How are you?

Hi, Mom. I’m terrible!The water is turned off in the building. The pipes froze. The heat isn’t working either. Mom, I need to come over and take a bath.

Baby, come on over. I told you to move in with us when you came back to Boston.

I ran my hand over my tattered hair. I know, Mom. You know, I like having my own space.

I know, baby. When do you think you will be here? I want to have your bath water ready.

I smiled. I will be there in forty-five minutes. Thanks mom.

Anything for my, baby. See you soon.

Bye, Mom.

I disconnected the call.

I sent a text to the car service.

I need a car sent as soon as possible.

Five minutes later I received a text.

A black Escalade will be there in twenty minutes.

My hands swept over my face. The tears gushed again.

Pull it together, Malaysia.Hopefully, when I return later the heat will be in working order.

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