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I stroked my neck, staring at him, trying to swallow past the huge lump in my throat. One day he will be happy if I step aside and allow him to live out his life.

He shed his clothes, hopping into the shower.

We rode in silence to his parents’ home. Last week, I met Ethan at the hospital. He had performed our STD tests. He arranged for a gynecologist to perform an examination and write a prescription for birth control pills. Ethan called this morning. He said the test results came back clean. He texted and mailed a copy, too. I should receive the physical copy in the mail next week. He was upset because I hadn’t taken the birth control pills.

I had fallen head over heels in love with Ethan. I was picking fights because I was trying to find a way out. We weren’t supposed to develop feelings for each other.

I peeked over at his handsome, stone-cold face staring out the window. He was a vigilante, a hero. The thought crossed my mind every day since I’d watched him in action protecting the city streets of Boston.

Maybe I was the woman for him. I shouldn’t short change myself just because I hadn’t attended Yale or Harvard. I was an educated graduate from Berkeley. However, I had nothing to bring to the table. It wasn’t fair to walk into a relationship with nothing to offer. I stretched my hand across the seat of the Maybach to touch Ethan’s, then the car came to a halt.

I retracted my hand. He exited the car, exchanging words with the driver before opening my door. That iron jaw was still rigid. His pain was evident as he stared through me. Taking my hand, Ethan escorted me inside the mansion swarming with guests.

“You are the most beautiful woman here,” Ethan whispered in my ear.

He’s speaking to me again.A wave of relief washed over my body.

I smiled, taking in his soft blue eyes. “Ethan, I’m sure there are very beautiful women here who put me to shame.”

“Not to me.”

I wanted to kiss his lips, then I remembered we were surrounded by hundreds of guests.

“Remember my father told the family you are my girlfriend. I need you to continue to play along. This is the last night I’ll ask you to go along with this ruse. We’ll go back to our OH for the remaining four months. I’d like to submit my weekend OH request.”

I chuckled. “I’m listening.”

“Come over before and after work Saturday night. Sunday we’ll have all day to play.” Ethan waved at several guests in passing.

“I can do that. I’m requesting an OH for tonight.”

“I thought tonight was obviously an OH. There is no way I’m taking you home. I plan to watch that gorgeous dress pool around those sparkling gold shoes. I’m getting hard just thinking about it.”

I blushed.

He whisked me away to meet his family.

We stood along the dance floor conversing over champagne.

“Mrs. Daniels, you did and excellent job raising Ethan. He is always concerned about my wellbeing.”

“Thank you, Malaysia, you will have to give some credit to my dear husband.” She laid her hand on his arm.

“He drilled down to the boys at an early age to be polite and giving.” Her long, clinging gold dress was exquisite against her slender frame. Mrs. Daniels blonde hair was swept into a roll.

I smiled bright. Oh, she has no idea how giving her son is. In the bedroom, that is.

I turned my attention to Ethan’s brother. “Garth, what school do you attend?”

“I attend Yale like Ethan and my father did.”

I glanced to my right. “Ethan, you didn’t tell me that.”

“Sorry, Malaysia. It slipped my mind.” He kissed the side of my head.

I grinned. “Garth, that’s wonderful! You are carrying on tradition, I suppose?”

Garth gleamed. “I am!”

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