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“Mr. King, Ms. Ingram is here,” Oliver announced from the doorway. He held the door open for her to pass.

“Thank you, Oliver,” she murmured, walking into the room with her head held high.

Oliver nodded and closed the door behind him, leaving her alone with Shane. Her heels echoed along as she moved across the marble floor. She didn’t miss the ways his eyes perused her body, ending at her heels before he turned away from her.

“Please, Ms. Ingram, have a seat.” Shane motioned to the sitting area off to the side.

“Thank you,” she replied, watching him stride to the bar. She took a seat on the plush couch that sat directly across from an identical one. It was mid-afternoon, and it looked as if his employees had begun leaving. There hadn’t been many people left in the office when she had walked through. It was a beautiful day out, and she was sure most people wanted to enjoy their weekend.

“Can I offer you a drink?” he asked, pointing to the alcohol that lined the counter.

“Vodka tonic, please.”

“Coming up,” he murmured.

Avarie took the time to study him openly. He was much taller than her five-foot-four. Her heels always gave her some additional height, but he still towered over her. She loved how he filled out his perfectly tailored suit. She quickly adverted her eyes as he turned back with their drinks in hand.

“Thank you.” She took her glass from him, taking note of the electric current that zipped its way up her arm when their fingers brushed each other. She crossed her legs and took a sip of her drink.

It was perfect.

“Your father is a wonderful man. I’m glad he is getting to cut back a bit,” Shane began, taking a seat on the couch before her.

She smiled, thinking of her father. He was a pistol, and retiring completely wasn’t him. No, he would still be active with the firm.

“That he is,” she agreed.

“He spoke very highly of you and your sister.”

Shane’s intense eyes took in her legs, and she had to force herself to sit still. She didn’t know why her body was betraying her. She would admit it had been a while since her last sexual encounter, and now that she had a handsome man sitting across from her, she guessed it was letting her know it was time to remedy that.

“I’m sure he did. He always brags about us, but I’m also sure we are not here to discuss my family,” she said, taking another sip of her drink. She wanted to direct the conversation off her and her family.

“Well, I thought this meeting was to discuss our relationship.” He arched his eyebrow at her with the corner of his mouth lifted in a sexy grin. His stare was unnerving.

Her stomach clenched with heat of his look. She bit her lip, trying to figure out if it was her imagination, or was he truly flirting with her? Being in close proximity to him had her brain scrambled. Where was the confident attorney who had waltzed into the meeting?

Dammit, it has been a while. Is he flirting with me?

“Mr. King, we are here to discuss our working relationship and come up with a schedule of when we are going to meet. I’ve already scheduled a few appointments with members of your legal team here and I’ll need to meet with—”

“Our assistants can hash out the details of our working relationship. Since you work for me—”

“I don’t work for you exactly, Mr. King,” she interrupted him.

“Well, you are my lawyer.”

“I’m not yours, Mr. King,” she announced. She swallowed hard, hearing the huskiness appear when she’d mentioned his name. Her heart raced. She tilted her head to the side and decided that innocent flirting wouldn’t hurt. He’d practically devoured her with the heat in his eyes when she’d walked in the room.

There was no use fighting the attraction between them. They were two consenting adults, and she was correct.

Avarie didn’t work for him.

She was retained to ensure the company was protected.

His eyes flashed feral as he leaned forward.

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