Page 361 of Seductive Temptation

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“I’m pretty sure you’d like to do a little more than invest in my business,” I add, my voice coated with sarcasm and flirty sass.

“I do a great job of separating business from pleasure.” His hand grazes mine, sending a bolt of energy through my fingertips.

“So, why aren’t ya here with anyone, mister?” I quiz in an attempt to change the subject.

“I am.” He takes my hand into his grip, the corners of his mouth curving slightly.

“Not me.” I nudge him but don’t peel my touch from his. “Why are you single? Wait, are you?” I continue, remembering he never mentioned if he had someone back home or not.

“Yes, I’m single. I date…a lot, actually. I guess I just haven’t had the desire to settle on one person.”

“You see commitment as settling.” I raise a brow at him.

“Not at all.” He pauses. “I was engaged a few years back, but it ended pretty badly. I’ve been with other women since then, some exclusively, some just one-off experiences…not sexually…but I guess those connections just weren’t…it.”

“Why did it end?” I glance up at him, realizing that I’m prying. I should probably let him off the hook and tell him it’s okay if he doesn’t want to answer. But I truly am interested to know.

It takes him a moment to respond. A vein appears along his temple as he contemplates telling me anything. “I guess similar to your story. We outgrew each other. I was just breaking into the investment world, spending a lot of time studying, working, and not enough time with her. After a while, she no longer appreciated my new lifestyle. I was young and didn’t know how to manage or prioritize my time. But I have now.” He blurts the last statement as if to assure me that time is no longer an issue for him.

“And no other woman excited you enough to show them you’re good at prioritizing your time?”

“There’s one,” he adds and smiles after a few seconds. “Come, let’s keep walking.”

“Oh!” I tease. “Tell me about her.”

“Ah, let’s see. She’s this amazingly talented chocolate beauty. About your height, with a short hairstyle that always looks great. We kind of met unexpectedly, though. Like, she just kissed me out of nowhere. I was minding my business at the bar, and she just laid it on me.” He shrugs playfully.

“Wow! Did she? A little promiscuous, isn’t she?”

“Just a little.” He signals with his fingers, and we both laugh.

I look down, realizing we’re still holding hands. It feels nice, his strong grip against my softer one. From the corner of my eye, I see him gazing at me. He lifts our intertwined fingers to his lips and kisses the back of my hand.

“You really are a dream, Sabrina. And I know we’re pretending here, but I meant everything I said to you and about you last night. You intrigue me on so many levels.” He pulls me to a stop, then shifts so that we are facing one another.

“How so?” I ask.

“I want to know you inside and out. What makes you tick, what makes you laugh, what drives you.” He caresses my cheek with the backs of his fingers.

“That’s it?” I press my chest into his, my heart racing in sync with his.

Jackson cups my face, searching my eyes, for what I am not sure, but the hunger circulating through his pupils is evident. He wants to kiss me, I can feel it in this breathing. I rise on the tips of my toes, inviting him to taste my lips. We stare at each other for only a second, though it feels much longer. Then he crashes his mouth onto mine, his tongue enveloping me in a whirl of passion. Tingles trail my spine as I open myself to revel in his embrace. My core heats up and sweat slicks across my skin. It’s a combination of the sun beaming down on us and the fire he’s ignited inside me. His hold is strong, sensual and demanding. My back is against the railing now, and strangely, I don’t care that I’m dangerously close to falling if we aren’t careful.

I don’t know what to expect to get out at this arrangement. I do know it’s safe to say I want this man like I’ve never wanted anyone else. We’re interrupted when someone clears their throat. He pulls away, leading me back from the rail, all the while never breaking eye contact. At the same time, we both glance around, spotting the lady from earlier with her hot boy toy. They smile and tilt their glasses to us. I blush, while Jackson returns their gesture and waves at them. We redirect our attention to each other, laughing at their expressions.

“Let’s get out of here.” He takes my hand and proceeds to lead me away from prying eyes.

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