Page 359 of Seductive Temptation

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Day Four

All night I’d been unable to sleep due to roaming thoughts of Jackson and that kiss. Touching my lips, I can still feel the softness of his. His scent lingers in the air as my mind replays the night out for me. No one has ever kissed me the way he had, or made my body come alive like he did. Yes, I’ve been fucked damn good before, been aroused at the mere thought of sex with a person. But with Jackson, this feels like so much more. It’s like my senses radiate at even the sound of his voice, my body craving him against my will.

That first kiss the other night was just as good, but I wasn’t expecting it. Neither was I ready for the one last night, but I’m glad it happened. I wanted so bad to not like this guy or open up to him. He and D'Andre—hell, he and any other man I’ve been with—are so different, yet very similar in the way they share that I’m an alpha male ego. Just confidently moving about, expecting the world to oblige and give in to what they want. I had enough of that with D'Andre and the fuckers I worked with during my internship. So, I didn’t want to like Jackson for that reason. I didn’t want to give him the satisfaction of knowing he’s conquered yet another sought-after quest.

Now don’t get me wrong, I’m no bitter bitty who hates all men. In fact, I love men and the many facets they’re presented in. And like the next girl, my pussy gets wet at the sight of a big strong man who’s ready to do what it takes to claim me.

I believe it’s because none of this started on my terms. You see, I consider myself to be quite alpha as well, in the sense that I see what I want and go for it. That applies to pretty much everything. But with this, it wasn’t in my plans to start whatever this is, and I feel somewhat like I’m not in control. Jackson was so bold and just waltzed in. I wasn’t okay with that—at least I didn’t want to be—and I surely wasn’t going to admit to him that I kind of like it.

Our first dinner, the evening he stole ole Bernard’s seat, is the first moment I allowed myself to see him and accept his beautiful features for what they are. Us dancing that day did something to me, sparking the desire I have for him. And seeing him in action at karaoke, the fun, untamed side of him wedged open the door to wonder: Should I go with the flow? Should I end it and stick to what I came here for?What if I open up and allow myself to enjoy him? Where would it go? All these questions float around in my head, but I already know what I want. Even if it’s just till we deboard this ship, I want to feel again what my body felt last night.

Checking the time on my phone, I roll out at bed, bathe, and begin to dress for the day. We’re having a brunch mixer, and I’m already a few minutes late. I’m sure no one will notice, and there’s about two more hours left, so I’ll have plenty of time to mingle. I slide on my shoes when a knock raps at my door. Grabbing my wristlet, I stuff my room key inside and go to answer it. I find Jackson leaning against the doorframe.

“Good morning, beautiful.” He beams.

“Morning! What are you doing here?” I ask, pulling the door closed behind me.

“‘I thought I’d accompany you to the brunch. Save you from having to pull out your handy dandy map.”

A couple strolls past, and he slightly shifts to allow them passage.

“Very funny,” I say after double-checking the lock on my room, then playfully pushing him down the hall, following his lead the rest of the way there.

When we arrive, the deck is filled with people, their chatter flooding the space around us. Jackson spots a few of his acquaintances and escorts me over to meet them. He introduces me to his business partner and a couple of others, who I learn are also Angel Investors. We all share laughs and funny tales of events in our prospective lines of business. I’ve never met any of them, but feel comfortable and fit right in. Maybe it’s the added confidence of being here with Jackson. Who knows?

My stomach rumbles, signaling me that it’s time I eat. I slip away to canvas the buffet, silently hoping that everything isn’t picked over. Lucky me, it isn’t, and everything looks so delectable. Grabbing a saucer, I select some mini Danishes, a couple of ham and cheese pastries, and a slice of pineapple which I pop in my mouth then help myself to a mimosa and a beer for Jackson. I scan the platter once more, stepping around a woman so I don’t interrupt her search for something to eat.

“Everything looks so good, doesn’t it?” she asks.

I look her over, instantly inspired by her confidence. She appears to be in her mid-forties and has amazing taste in clothing.

“Yes, it does. I had a tough time deciding.” I chuckle.

“That looks tasty. What is it?” she adds, eyeing my plate.

“I think it’s a cream cheese pastry. That one right there,” I answer, pointing out the pastry in the pile of others.

“Awesome. Thank you, sweetie! I’m Miriam, by the way.” She leans for the cheese Danish, stacking three on her saucer.

“Nice to meet you, Miriam. I’m Sabrina.”

“So, that boyfriend of yours sure is hot.”

“Excuse me?” Her comment catches me off guard.

“The young man you entered with.” She turns, pointing to Jackson. “I saw the two of you at karaoke last night.”

“Oh, he’s n…” I stop myself, remembering our plan. “He is pretty hot, huh?”

We laugh, and she softly taps my shoulder.

“Yes, honey, And the way he stares at you…like he just wants to taste every bit of your soul. Um, that’s the dream, baby. You better enjoy it.”

“Yes, ma’am. I’ll be sure to.”

She bids me farewell and rejoins who I think to be her husband or maybe just a boy toy. Whoever he is to her, I must admit he’s just as tasty as Jackson. I return my sights to the buffet for one final overview. There’re people all around me, so I don’t notice Aliza standing next to me. Not until she speaks.

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