Page 357 of Seductive Temptation

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“But he cheated on you or something?” he cuts in.

“No, actually.” I start to walk again, and he follows. “He never cheated or did anything to me that I didn’t allow physically. We met during and dated through college, and for about two years during our internship. In the grand scheme of things, we started to outgrow each other. He took a position with Interpublics, and I launched Dynamix. Shortly after it was like the blinders were lifted. We started butting heads over schedules, issues with him not fully supporting my vision or respecting my time in relation to my business. He even gave me an ultimatum, him or my business. Eventually, it began to feel like we didn’t have anything in common anymore. All the passion that brought us together…just died. We tried to fix it, but there was just no salvaging it for me.”

“So you broke up with him and now he’s being a jerk about it. Classic!” He snorts.

“Oh no, he’s always been a jerk. Always. We fought often about the things he’d say to people, me included. That was probably the first realization we weren’t all that compatible.”

“So what did you see in him?”

“We were young, he was cute, and we both loved marketing. We kind of just fell into position with all the time we spent studying together. If that makes sense.”

“Yeah, it does, actually. So, how long ago was this breakup?”

“Almost two years.”

Jackson halts in his tracks. When I look back at him, he’s gazing at me in disbelief. “Two years ago, and he’s still this affected by it?”

“No, that’s not it. Well, that’s not all of it.”

His brow furrows as he anticipates what I will say next.

“I fucked him two weeks before this trip.”

He chokes in a breath. “Um… Okay. I wasn’t expecting that. Didn’t you know about what’s her name…Aliza?”

“Oh God, no. I would have never done it if I had. I mean, I heard he was seeing someone a few months back, but I had no idea who she was or that they were engaged.”

“But you knew he had someone. Why fuck him?”

“Poor judgement, I guess.” I shrug. “We were both at a party for a mutual friend of ours. He was alone, I was alone, and we were all just having a good time. He never mentioned her, and I never asked. Our friend doesn’t live too far from me, so later he walked me home. Most of the night he flirted with me, and when we reached my building, he kissed me. It had been months for me sexually, so I took him upstairs, and one thing led to another. I’ve never known him to be one to play around, so I sort of just assumed he was single. It wasn’t until the night you kissed me that I learned they were together let alone engaged. But anyways, the next morning, I asked him to leave and told him that it was just a momentary lapse. I guess he thought one night meant that I wanted to get back with him. I didn’t, and he didn’t take it that well.”

“Clearly. Well now it all makes sense.”

“What does?”

“You fucked him good, then threw him away. I’d be pissed, too,” he says sarcastically.

It’s not a funny situation, but I can’t stop myself from laughing. I’m grateful for his expressions as it lightens my mood a little.

“I didn’t throw him away. We hadn’t been—”

“I’m joking. I totally get it. But it makes sense why he’s behaving this way. He wants to flaunt his new relationship, maybe show you what you’ve been missing. But then I show up. His ego is bruised. But even still, I don’t like that he’s being a dick to you. He’s here with someone. He needs to be focused on that and not who you’re with or what you’re doing.”

“Yeah,” I agree but want desperately to change the subject. “So, that story about how we met. That sounded a little…ah…stalkerish.”

He laughs. “I guess I can see how it may have sounded stalkerish. But it’s true. I was at the AVA Awards that night, and you did win the award my client was up for. The reception piece was my representation of our first night on this boat. I was coming over to introduce myself, but D'Andre showed up. When I realized he wasn’t going to leave and how tense he made you, I stepped in. I remembered you from the awards show and did…do think you’re one of the sexiest women I’ve come across.”

I blush and turn away, trying to hide the effect he has on me. It does no good, though. Jackson notices and flashes me that panty-melting smile.

“Come on, it’s getting late. I’ll walk you to your cabin.”

Along the way, we continue getting to know each other. I share with him all about why I started Dynamix and I learn that he’s an Angel Investor and a little about what his business looks like. He got his start in business with money he inherited when his grandmother passed away and has now funded over one thousand, one hundred startups, focusing mostly on tech-based companies and real estate properties.

Unaware of my surroundings, I stop to pull out my map. It’s truly sad how poor my sense of direction is, but there’s no shame in my game.

“What’s that for?” he quizzes.

“I’m lost.”

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