Page 336 of Seductive Temptation

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Taking a deep breath, I got myself together, and headed back into the bustling casino and in the direction of the ballroom. This time, instead of hurrying behind Marcus, I took my time and allowed eyes to gaze upon me. I deserved it dammit.

Upon returning to the ballroom, I spotted Marcus who waited patiently for me and motioned for me to come in his direction. I did so and followed him inside. We weaved through the tables as a live band played from the stage at the front of the room. There were people dressed immaculately all around me. The men were handsome in their tuxes and the woman elegant as ever in designer gowns that sparkled.

“Here is Mr. Sullivan’s table. Enjoy your evening,” Marcus pulled out a chair for me.

“Thanks,” I murmured as I took my seat at the table that already had a few people sitting around. There was a middle-aged looking couple and an older man with a younger female with him.

The other tables were starting to fill with eager guests. I kept my eyes on the band as they played soft jazz. A waiter poured glasses of champagne, and I sipped on mine casually before someone finally spoke to me.

“You must be Mr. Sullivan’s guest. He mentioned bringing a special guest. I’m Rosa Thornstein, I’m a board member,” the middle-aged woman introduced herself. Her blonde hair was in a tight bun and she wore a navy-blue gown. She turned to the man with her. He was plump, with salt and pepper hair. “This is my husband Simon, also a board member.”

“Hello, I take it you hold some position at Sullivan,” Simon spoke up.

“Nice to meet both of you,” I said kindly. “I’m an Operations Research Analyst in the San Francisco office.” I was proud of my job. I’d gone to school, mostly at night, and I earned a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration and a master’s degree in Mathematics. I knew my shit and knew it well.

“Smart girl,” one of the other men at the table piped up. He was bald with a long shiny head.

“Yes, you help make us the big bucks,” Rosa joked before taking a sip of her champagne. I supposed I assisted someway in giving them large paydays based on my research and calculations.

Suddenly, there was a tickling of roaring applause coming from the other side of the room, near the entrance. The applause grew and began it spread and I spotted him. Nicolas Sullivan had arrived. He was just as handsome as the first time I saw him in San Francisco, just now in a black tux with his olive toned skin and slicked back dark hair.

At once, his eyes traveled over the room and met my own. We stared for mere seconds before I couldn’t take it anymore and peered away as an intense sensation filled me. He finally arrived at our table and he greeted the guests until he arrived at me. I couldn’t help it, I had to look up at him and gaze into his eyes.

“It is my pleasure to make your acquaintance again, Mr. Sullivan,” I addressed him professionally. He grinned down at me. His height made him nearly tower over me.

“Please, call me Nic, and I’m so grateful to get to see you again, Layla.” The way my name rolled off his tongue kept me frozen as feelings rushed through me from head to toe.

He was an intense human to be around and he exhumed not just power, but a sex appeal that made me anxious.

We took our seats with Nic, directly next to me. As the beginning speakers of the event began to talk, Nic pulled notes from his jacket. He seemed a little rushed and off. He was late, that could have been something to do with it. Even a billionaire could be tardy and unprepared it seemed.

Nic was called to the stage. When he strolled to the podium, there were whoops and hollers from every corner of the room. Nic was a rock star in and of himself. His company had either made these people rich or they just admired him. He was young at only thirty-four and he’d surpassed the likes of Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates, and Steve Jobs. He’d been dubbed the next Jeff Bezos. The people who filled the ballroom were in complete awe of him.

“This company, my company, was built on the dreams of a little boy who grew up in Vegas. I saw the likes of the rich and famous passing through. I saw ideas exchanged and parties go late into the nights. I was determined to join that exclusive crowd. Sullivan Tech was born from a small boy’s dream and has become a man’s reality.” He spoke so clearly and eloquently. The room filled with applause as he took a pause in his speech.

“This company was also built by it’s hard working employees who have embraced the Sullivan dream. Some months ago, I visited my San Francisco Bay Area office. In this office, I walked into a meeting and there was a woman up front giving a presentation. She knew her stuff and she’d obviously worked incredibly hard to come up with the figures and numbers she presented. I, myself, don’t quite understand all the numbers, but she did. She showed me who the true backbone of this company truly is. Ms. Layla Hudson is an Operations Research Analyst and I’ve invited her here tonight to show my gratitude for being what Sullivan Tech aspires to be. Will you stand up, Layla?”

I swallowed hard but did as he said. I rose to my feet to a thunderous applause. All around the room folks gazed at me as if I was some type of savior. I wasn’t one to seek attention and having so much made me uncomfortable. After a moment, I took my seat once more.

“I wanted to invite Layla tonight to show her how much all Sullivan Tech employees are valued. She blew me away watching her presentation and I knew she, of all people, deserved this and more.” He nodded in my direction, his olive eyes piercing my own. I shifted in my seat at his deep gaze. “Now, also as a boy, I grew up watching the shining lights of the strip and I knew one day I’d own one of the fancy high rise hotels on the strip. Triple Helix was that dream. The name and DNA design of the hotel were to represent myself and my two brothers. Our closeness inspired me and inspired this hotel. Tonight, wasn’t just to recognize a remarkable employee, but to celebrate Triple Helix becoming a top Vegas destination, and raise money for a worthy cause.

“The Las Vegas Neighborhood Project is an organization that came into inner city schools with I was a kid. They helped me see my potential, got me into college, and shaped my future. Today, I want to raise money for them. The cost of your tickets has been fully donated to their cause, to a tune of two million dollars. After dinner, we will head over to a privately setup casino to gamble and have a good time. All funds will also be donated to the LVNP. So tonight, drink and be merry. Also, gamble away all your money for a worthwhile cause.”

Nic finished with a smirk and an applause once more filling the room. It was a beautiful speech and now I knew more of why I’d been invited. Nic joined the table once more as waiters began to serve dinner. He leaned over to me and brushed a strand of hair from my face.

“I hope I can personally make your time here something you’ll never forgot,” he whispered in a low voice. My limbs went still, and my breathing quickened. I didn’t exactly know what he meant by that, but the underlying tones were not to be missed.

I think I was invited for more than just recognition.

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