Page 333 of Seductive Temptation

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Of all the delectable women who had stepped foot in my hotel, she was the most beautiful to grace my property. I owned the tallest hotel in Vegas and my office could overlook the city, but instead, it overlooked the lobby of my hotel and casino. I loved to watch every person who walked through my doors, but her presence was expected.

Through the one-way glass, I watched her every move as she entered the doors following the butler I’d relegated to her.

Layla Hudson was an enigma from the first moment I’d ever laid eyes on her. I’d made a point of visiting branches of my company when time permitted me to leave my headquarters in New York. Upon entering a conference room in my San Francisco office, I was stopped in my tracks by the curvy woman that’d just entered my hotel.

She stood at the front of the room and confidently gave her presentation. Her poise and glowing personality captivated me. Her honey brown eyes had a sparkle to them and being a man, I was definitely taken by her vivacious body.

Now looking down at her, I watched her pause for a moment. I sucked in a breath as she peered up, and though it was impossible due to the one-sided glass, it was as if our eyes had met.

After a brief moment, she continued on her way and disappeared into the elevator hall. My fists clenched together as I only wanted another moment of gazing upon her, but then again, I knew I’d see her more. She was here because I’d requested her presence.

Strolling to my desk, I paused and took in my grand office. It was something right out of my dreams. A Las Vegas boy, born and raised, I grew up with a single mom who worked multiple jobs to keep a roof over the heads of myself and my brothers. Owning an empire was my dream and nothing was going to stop me.

This very office was the newest command center of that very empire I’d built from nothing.

The floors were a white marble, and above hung a chandelier made of Swarovski crystals that reflected off the abundance of gold accents around the room. It was as if the room wept of money and that’s exactly how I wanted it. My mother would have been proud of all I’d achieved.

Picking up the phone on my desk, I called up my secretary, who was at my beck and call, exactly when I needed her, no matter the time of day or night.

“Yes, Mr. Sullivan,” she answered the line from her desk.

“Nina, was the package delivered to Ms. Hudson’s room?” I inquired of my secretary.

“Yes sir, just moments after her arrival as noted and instructed by you,” Nina replied before I heard her mumble something to someone with her. I knew she was busy with all the VIP arrivals scheduled for the night’s gala.

“Perfect, I’ll let you get back to work. Thank you.” I hung up the phone and sat down in my larger than life white leather chair. It was a chair meant for a king and I was the king of my domain.

I placed my fingers on my keyboard, but only a split second later my cell phone was ringing. I groaned in annoyance since I did want to get a bit of work done before heading up to my penthouse to get ready for the gala, to be ready for Layla.

Not taking a moment to see who was calling me. I swiped my finger across the glass screen and brought the phone to my ear.

“What?” I growled in frustration at the pointless distraction.

“Good afternoon, Mr. Sullivan, Police Chief Stone calling.” It was one of my many allies in the town. As soon as my company began to make a decent profit, I made a point at giving back to my city. I donated heavily to community projects and law enforcement projects to help keep kids out of trouble.

“Chief Stone, what can I do for you?” I asked as my tension calmed and I kicked back in my chair. Vince Stone and I went to school together. He’d always wanted to be a police officer and worked his way up the ranks.

“It’s your brother,” he told me with disappointment lacing his voice.

“Fuck,” I grumbled. “What’s he done now?” I asked as I leaned onto my elbows and rubbed my temple. My brother was always getting into something.

“You should come down to the station. We’ll keep it quiet as always,” Vince said. He was nice enough to help keep my brother’s indiscretions out of the news. The only headlines I wanted were good ones.

“Be right there.”

Walking in the back door of the Las Vegas Police Department, I shook my head at how often it seemed I was there. My little brother was constantly getting picked up on something and I was always there to bail him out.

“He’s in here,” Vince told me as he nodded toward one of the interrogation rooms where they normally stored my brother away.

I stepped into the room where a younger version of myself sat. His dark hair, unlike my slicked back do, was ruffled. There were bags under his eyes, which were the same shade of olive green as my own. Sighing, I stepped to the table.

“If it isn’t the prodigal son, Nicolas Sullivan,” my brother slurred.

“And if it isn’t the alcoholic son, Theophilus Sullivan, the joke,” I spat in his direction.

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