Page 292 of Seductive Temptation

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“Hey, Bishop,” the voice on the other line greeted in a sad voice.

“Hey, Lavinia. You good?” The history between Nico and Vini was difficult to explain. He considered her family due to her relationship with Nico, or the relationship she wanted to have with him. They’d all known each other since the age of eighteen. For the three of them, that was a lifetime.

Since Nico had gone to her, he must need to get some shit settled. Either way, they needed to fix what was between them. If she said she wanted him gone, Max would try to get his friend to leave, but something told him Nico wasn’t going anywhere if he could help it.

“Yeah, I’m good. I’ll take care of him.”

He wasn’t going to interfere in Nico’s shit, but damn, something had to give. “All right. Lemme get at him before I go.”

“Fuck, dude. This shit hurts,” Nico’s gravelly voice sounded once again on the phone.

Locking the door behind him, he made his way to the luxury vehicle parked in his driveway. Tonight, he was driving himself. He needed time with his Kiana without others listening in.

Laughing at his friend’s pain, he took joy in busting his balls. “That’s what your crazy ass gets. You took on four large ass dudes on your own. I told you I was on the damn way. But no, Mr. Super-fucking-Soldier had to jump his ass in headfirst.”

A small laugh came through the phone. “Ow, fuck. You dick! Don’t make me laugh. Just give me a few days. Don’t get in trouble while I’m laid up.”

“Me? Nah. Never.” Pausing, he knew he was about to put his foot in his mouth. “Listen, man. Vini…she’s… Fuck. You know if you leave her this time…”

“Don’t tell me how to handle Vini,” his friend barked.

“Then you need to handle that shit the right way this time,” he snapped.

A long sigh came through the phone. “I’m trying, man.” Another pause, “A’ight, go get the little bull terrier. I’ll talk to you.”

“Later, man.”

Twenty minutes later, Max pulled up to the colonial style house. A few years ago, he’d moved both his mother and Big Mama. Those two had become fast friends after they’d met twenty years ago. Between the two of them, he had two women in his life he had to make proud. If he said so himself, he did a damn good job.

Walking inside, he yelled out, “Mom. Big Mama. Ki. Where you at?”

A loud scream sounded from the kitchen. Kiana came racing around the corner, full tilt running towards him. He winced at the coming pain before she reached him. Leaping into his arms, she wrapped her legs around his waist, her arms tight around his neck.

“You’re back. I knew you’d be back. I wasn’t worried at all. Just ask Big Mama, she’ll tell you. Why are you wincing? What’s wrong? Damnit, Max, did you get hurt? You wait until Big Mama finds out.” At this, she giggled.

Pulling back from her, he looked into her face. “Baby, are you drunk?” he asked with a laugh.

Shaking her head wildly from side to side, she gave a loud, “Nope!”

Oh, yeah. She was definitely drunk. “What have you been drinking?”

“Just something your mom made for me. She said it would help relax me. But it was so good, I had three more. They’re so yummy. Have you ever had an orangesicle drink?”

“No, I can’t say I have,” he answered as he began walking them toward the sound of laughter. Walking into the sunroom, he couldn’t help but shake his head at the two old ladies splayed across the lounge furniture.

“Mom! Look! Big Mama, wake up! He’s home!” Kiana scrambled down his body to jostle the two women who were halfway to dreamland. “Mom,” she whispered loudly. “Max came back. I knew he’d be safe. I was so worried about him, but he’s home now.” As she spoke, her voice began to wobble with emotion. “He came home to me.”

Max stood there in shock. When had Kiana started calling his mother, Mom? As the two women got their bearings, hugs and kisses were given all around. Big Mama winked at him.

“I like her, Max. She’s good for you. Help you get some hair on your chest,” she cackled as she headed off to the kitchen.

“Yeah, I kinda like her too, old lady. Are you going to fix me some food?” he yelled at her back.

“You better go somewhere with that. I need a shot of whiskey if I have to deal with you. Where’s your twin?”

When he didn’t answer, she poked her head around the corner. “Maxwell, where’s Nicholas?”

“He’s with Lavinia, Big Mama.”

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