Page 285 of Seductive Temptation

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This wasn’t supposed to happen. Max looked down at the woman asleep in his arms. His heart squeezed with the realization that he’d almost lost her. His past was catching up with him, with his present close behind. He needed to control the pace.

As he’d listened to Kiana hand him his ass for lying to her—well, keeping secrets, which was just as bad—he knew she had every right to be upset. There were things about him she knew nothing about. If she did, she’d have never given him the time of day. This situation with his nephew was about to expose his childhood, which could then open a whole new can of worms for him. That, he could not allow to happen.

He still believed his nephew was telling him the truth. If that was the case, it meant something else happened in that alley the other night. He’d ask Nico to do his own investigation into the issue. If something went down that wasn’t on the up-and-up, Nico could find it.

Kiana made a sound as she shifted. Max adjusted her body, positioning her so that she was lying halfway on top of him. Brushing her hair back from her face, he inhaled the scent of her lotion. A smile formed on his lips. He’d dated other black women before, but there was something about Kiana that was different.

His instincts called out for him to protect her. Shield her from the ugliness in his world. Not just because she was a woman, or an attorney. That was part of it, but not the whole story. She tried to portray a woman who was feisty, independent, and who could handle any situation that came her way. There was no doubt she was all those things. Compared to him, she was pure. Clean.

The light to his dark.

There was so much he wanted to tell her. He was tired of lying to her. Keeping so much of himself hidden away. There were days he wanted to run things past her, use that smart-ass brain of hers. Other days, he just wanted to let the walls down, cling to his woman, and sink balls deep inside her slick pussy after having a day from hell. Having her as a full partner by his side, he knew they’d be unstoppable. Her beauty and brains. His power and intensity.

He’d finally found his own version of peace in a world that tried to claw at him constantly. And he couldn’t even share with her just how much that meant to him. How much she meant to him on the days filled with violence, blood, and death. Coming home to her smile, laughter, and her whispered words of desire calmed his soul. Quieted the monster that lay inside his chest.

When he made love to her, it was like finding his own version of paradise. Sinking inside her body as she clutched his arms, he’d stare into her beautiful brown eyes as she begged him for more. The whimpers and moans escaping her lips would make his heart expand so much it hurt. This woman, who could claim any man she wanted with just the crook of her finger, had chosen him. Allowed him to claim her body in every way he wanted, and she’d loved every minute of it.

This beautiful woman had no idea she saved him every single fucking time she loved him so damn good.

Smiling in the darkness, he thought of all the nights he’d taken her soft and slow. He’d shown her all the ways he could make her moan his name. Tears would fall from her eyes as her orgasm careened through her body to soak his cock. There were also those times when he needed her hard, rough, and fast.

His angel took everything he gave her and returned it back to him twofold. He released a moan as he thought about the other night. It had been a particularly rough day. When he walked in and demanded she get naked, she did it without hesitation. He’d fucked her so long and hard, she’d passed out from exertion.

Soft words had escaped her lips that night. She’d told him of her love for him, her need for him. She’d pleaded with him to never let her go. That she belonged to him. She had no idea that she’d shared her feelings out loud—but he knew, and he’d never forget. He was taking every damn word as a sacred oath that couldn’t be broken.

Kiana was put on this earth just for him. He’d destroy anything, and anyone, who tried to take her away.

Earlier tonight when she’d asked what other secrets he was hiding from her, it jarred him. There were things she could never know. Not so much about his past, because he would share whatever she needed to satisfy any concerns she had about his beliefs. No, it was his present that concerned him most.

He straddled two worlds daily. At some point, he knew the two would crossover. He just didn’t want it to happen right now. Losing Kiana wasn’t an option for him. He’d never let her go. If he had to weave a world where they existed in a special bubble, protected from all the dangers that would come to their doorstep, he would do it without hesitation.

“What are you thinking about?” Kiana’s low voice sounded in the room.

Thinking whether he should tell her the full truth, he decided to go with a different approach.

“You. Us.” It was a version of the truth, so he felt comfortable with the deflection.

Stretching her body, she placed one leg over his as she wrapped one arm tighter around his waist. It took everything in him not to flip her over, rip her clothes off, and fuck her into oblivion. He may be the devil, but he wasn’t a damn monster. He knew she needed more than just sex to make things right between them.

“I think I overreacted earlier today,” she whispered.

Smiling, he knew how much it took for her to admit she’d probably been wrong. His woman was more like him than she realized. He stayed silent. Knowing her the way he did, he waited for her to speak again.

“Max, I’m not naïve.”

“What—” he began, but she placed a finger on his lips.

“I know I’ve said this before, but I think you need to hear it again. If I’m going to be with you, I need to understand and accept the entire package. For me to protect myself from the ugliness in this world, I need to be prepared.”

His mind whirled with the possibilities. He wanted to interrupt her. To ask what she was referring to, but he held off. This was something he needed her to tell him. If she was simply referring to the situation with his family, or the surprise of him walking into her office, that was one thing. He wasn’t prepared for her to know anything else. Not yet.

When he’d laid them down in her bed earlier tonight, he’d taken off his shirt to be more comfortable. When he felt her fingers rubbing along his skin, he inhaled deeply. Her touch was his aphrodisiac.

The softness of her skin rubbing against his bare chest stiffened his cock. Reaching down to adjust himself, he pulled her closer, then pressed his lower body into hers. If he couldn’t made love to her right now, she’d at least know how much he wanted her.

When Max realized Kiana had gone silent for more than a few seconds, he finally spoke up. He decided it was best to focus on the known issue.

“Babe. Whatever you need to know about my family, I’ll tell you. It’s important that you know I’ve never looked at you as anything but a beautiful woman. A smart woman. A woman that captured my attention from the very first moment I saw you. Of course, I also saw you as an extremely beautiful, desirable black woman.”

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