Page 281 of Seductive Temptation

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Walking into her dark home that night, Kiana’s entire being reflected the stress of the day. It wasn’t that she’d been put on a case as a special advisor. It wasn’t even that someone she was extremely close to on a personal level had come to her firm asking for help. No. It wasn’t that at all.

This was all about Max and their relationship. Or what she thought was their relationship. Now, she wasn’t so sure what the hell they’d been doing. Worried that she didn’t really know the man she’d allowed into her life, she blamed herself for focusing on the wrong things.

This whole time, he’d been keeping secrets.

As she thought back to the meeting earlier this morning, she became even more pissed. His utter confidence that all he had to do was say the words and she’d fall at his feet in understanding was on full display. He didn’t even bother to give her the courtesy and respect she deserved.

They were together.

A couple.

One who shared their innermost thoughts and concerns.

She’d been blinded by her need for him.

Even if he didn’t share every aspect of his life, what she learned today had been a doozy. Caught off-guard, she’d reverted to the cut-throat lawyer she’d learned to be. From the look on his face, Max hadn’t appreciated her change in attitude. Oh well. Maybe if he’d treated her like more than just the woman he fucked on occasion, there would have been a different outcome.

Turning on the lights as she walked through her space, she sighed as she looked around. This had once been her sanctuary, her safe space. It no longer felt that way. Something, or someone, was missing.

When she’d rented this place, it had everything she wanted. The decorations were an eclectic mixture of contemporary and traditional designs. It had been the perfect reflection of who she was. Now, she missed the dark wood with red and gray accents of Max’s home, the place she’d spent most of her time these past months.

Unbuttoning her blouse, she pulled it from her shoulders as she entered her bedroom. Yes, this place used to be her perfect escape. Not anymore. That honor now belonged to Max’s home.

More specifically, it belonged to Max. Whether he was at her place, she was at his, or if they were staying in a hotel for a weekend getaway, he’d become her foundation. She could no longer sleep without him next to her. His deep breaths were the lullabies that helped carry her off to dreamland. His warm skin was her blanket after they made love.

She knew it was ridiculous, but she felt betrayed. His lies, secrets, omission of facts, whatever you wanted to call them, tore away at the bond she thought they’d created. Heavy tears fell from her eyes.

Sitting heavily on her bed, Kiana allowed herself a moment. She let all the concerns and fears rolling through her body come out in the wetness trailing down her face.

Max’s family was part of a white supremacist group.

Max never had any intention of taking their relationship further.

Her time, energy, and emotions had been wasted on a man who lied to her every day of their relationship.

The things he’d said to her meant nothing. There was no other conclusion she could come to.

Just then, a thought entered her head. The other night when they were sitting in his house, he must have known something would break soon. That she’d find out more than he’d told her. Secrets always have a way of being found out. His just came out a bit sooner than he’d expected.

Glancing at the clock, she noted the time. Right about now, Max was expecting her to be at his house. Before he’d left her office earlier today, he’d pulled her aside to confirm she was still coming over tonight. Before she was able to answer, his attorney was calling his name. The interruption saved her from voicing the words on the tip of her tongue. Thank goodness.

It would not be good to tell a new client to go fuck himself only minutes after securing the deal.

She’d excused herself from his side, telling him she’d talk to him later as she walked away to her office. The tick in his jaw gave away his agitation, and his concern, with her response. At this stage, she could care less. He wasn’t the man she thought he was. Her mind and her heart had to deal with that realization. Self-preservation was more important than giving in to Max’s silent demands for her to believe him. To not leave his side.

It was funny. If only he’d explained the situation to her, she would have accepted it. She was woman enough to admit that after being with him, knowing him, loving him, there was almost nothing that would make her leave him. The one thing she would never accept was being kept in the dark. Of not being trusted.

Gathering her items for the night, she made her way to the large en suite bathroom for her shower. Max would be pissed when she didn’t show up tonight. He’d either do one of two things.

Stay pissed off, go out to one of his favorite clubs, and sulk for a day or two. The other option would be to drive to her house for a confrontation. She wasn’t looking forward to either option, but she’d deal with whatever happened.

Thirty minutes later as she lotioned her skin, her phone rang. Max’s distinctive ringtone blared into the silence of her room. Closing her eyes, she took a deep breath. Picking up the phone, she swiped the screen to answer.


“Where are you?” Max interrupted her, his gruff voice loud on the other end of the phone.

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