Page 276 of Seductive Temptation

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Never conduct street business where you do company business.

Always have a space where things could get messy, clean up was easy, and only a select few knew about it.

Without some of these lessons, their lives would have been over before they got started. The people who’d taken them under their wings and taught them how to survive in this unforgiving world, would have been considered the dregs of society. To him and Nico, they were family.

Loyalty ran deep on the streets. Those who gave him their loyalty, got his in return. Some of these people were still part of their network. Whether it was the black gang members who thought two white boys hanging out in their neighborhood was a joke. Or the numerous sex workers, called prostitutes back in the day, who made sure two young gangsters had a place to sleep when they needed it.

There were times neither of them wanted to go back their mothers’ homes when things got hot for them. His extended network was the eyes and ears on the street, and if Max and Nico succeeded, so would they.

Hell, Max and Nico even had a Big Mama that they took care of now that she was in her seventies. That woman fed them when they were hungry, chastised them when they messed up, and told them to man the fuck up when they weren’t taking care of business. They’d both probably give her the most credit for teaching them how to handle business in the street. That woman was still tough as nails.

As badass as they were, they knew to say please and thank you, eat every morsel of food on their plate, refer to her as either Big Mama or Ma’am, and not to bring any mess up in her house.

She was rumored to have been a gangster in her own right when she was younger. Then she’d changed as she got older. Became known as the neighborhood mother. Everyone knew her, and everyone respected her. If they didn’t, there were any number of people willing to give them a lesson in what respect looked like.

It wasn’t as if his mom wasn’t there for him, because she was. But when he’d started going down a path of no return, she simply wasn’t strong enough to stop him. That woman was a damned saint in his eyes for the shit he’d put her through as a young teenager.

Anger was the only thing driving him back then, and he’d used that as his armor to push her away. He was ashamed to admit that he’d lashed out at her several times, blaming her for his father walking out on them. Years later, he knew it wasn’t her fault at all. Back then, he wasn’t willing to hear anything that didn’t give him more fuel for his anger.

During it all, she never turned her back on him. Always welcomed him home when he came back from learning all he could from the streets. Once, when he was sixteen, he’d been gone for over a week. Frantic with worry, she’d gotten in her car to look for him. She knew exactly where to go. It wasn’t like he made it a secret where he hung out, she’d just never been there.

After asking around, she was directed to Big Mama’s house. And boy, did the shit hit the fan.

Someone came running to the basketball court yelling to him that his mother had come looking for him. The dread of what he’d find when he walked up to Big Mama’s door was no match for reality.

Not only did he have to stand there while his mother cried her eyes out, he had to listen to her plead with him not to die. He was all she had left.

Then Big Mama laid into both him and Nico. He remembered her exact words:

“Max, a mother’s love is unconditional and all-encompassing. This woman carried you in her body for nine months. She birthed you, fed you, changed your shitty diapers, and cared for you when you were sick. Don’t repay that love with disrespect and disregard. Now, you are always welcome, and the people you’ve met will always be there for you.”

Her eyes turned hard as she stared at Max and Nico.

“But let me be clear. If you ever do this again, stay away this long without letting your mother know you are safe, you will not be welcome in my home. All the doors that were once open to you will close. You want to act like men, then do it. My world has rules. If you want to be in my world, you will make sure you understand how things work. This is rule number one. Disrespect to your mother, wife, or child is never tolerated. I will make sure you have what you need to navigate this world, but that rule is absolute. Understand?”

Max and Nico had no idea what she really meant, but they got the message. Mothers were always to be cared for. Nodding, they quickly agreed. “Yes, Ma’am,” they blurted.

At seeing their heads going up and down, Big Mama went to sit down by his mother, who’d stopped crying at this point. Picking up his mother’s hand in hers, Big Mama gave her a smile.

“It’s difficult raising a boy into a man. I know this. Sadly, my own son was killed in a car accident a few years ago.”

Max had never heard this before, so it was a shock. He and Nico looked at each other with wide eyes.

“I’m so sorry for your loss,” his mother whispered.

Waving one hand, Big Mama shook her head. “Today is better than yesterday, but thank you.”

Looking over at Max and Nico standing to the side, she shook her head. “Now, these two…” She paused. “Well, they’re good boys. They’re just trying to find their way in a world that isn’t always easy. They’re gonna make mistakes. But, if they have people around to help steer them, they’ll be fine. I know that one isn’t yours,” she said, motioning to Nico, “but they’re attached at the hip. That’s something you’ll have to be comfortable with.”

“I guess I’m just worried. It’s only been Max and I for so long.”

Nico punched him in the arm. “You made your mom cry. Not cool,” he’d whispered angrily.

Max scowled at Nico. “I didn’t mean to.”

Big Mama kept on talking. “Now, you don’t know me from Adam. But these two knuckleheads tend to grow on you. They’re like mold,” she said with a loud laugh.

“Hey, that’s not fair,” Max interrupted.

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