Page 273 of Seductive Temptation

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“Okay, if you say so,” she said, shifting her body back toward the television. She knew he’d tell her when he was ready. She felt him take a few deep breaths, as if gearing himself up to talk. Not daring to interrupt, she lay there quietly waiting for him to speak.

“What we have, I’ve never had this before. I told you about my childhood already. My dad leaving us when my baby sister was born. How hard it was on my mother.” He rubbed one large hand down his face. “My mother, she told me how in love they were. That she thought my father hung the moon, but he didn’t feel the same. At least, when he left her, it was the only explanation she was willing to accept. He just didn’t love her enough.”

Kiana stayed quiet, but turned her body so she was looking at his face. Didn’t matter that he was looking off to the side, staring at the wall. Whatever was on his mind, she wanted to see his face as he shared it with her.

“I told myself I’d never do that to myself, or to a woman. I’d never make her think I l-…cared for her more than I did, only to walk away when she needed me.”

He looked down at her with soft eyes, something she rarely saw from him. His thick fingers caressed her face before his expression hardened and he looked away again.

“Walking in here tonight, seeing you laughing, singing, just being you, as you waited for me to come home. It was more than…” He stopped talking again, taking a few breaths.

After more than a few seconds, Kiana decided to say something. “Max—,” she began, but before she could get more than a few words out, he put a finger over her lips.

“No. No more talking. I need you.” His hands grabbed her up, shifting her to straddle his lap.

Kissing him softly, she gazed into his brown eyes. “You have me.”

“Do you even realize what you do to me? How different my world is now that I’ve met you? That what I see for my life, my future, is different than what it was less than four months ago? I know you think I’m bossy and overbearing and too damn demanding.”

At her soft laughter, he kissed her softly on the lips. She moaned, pressing her body closer to his. Max grabbed her hair, pulling her head away and looking into her eyes.

“I don’t think that’s what you are.” Well, she did, but he was so much more than that. There was so much more to the man than the image he put out to the world.

Shaking his head, he smiled at her. “Yes, you do. It’s okay, sweetheart. I know who I am. What I am. I’m all those things and more. I don’t apologize for who I am. But I need to know that you accept all of me. The good parts along with the ugly.”

Shaking her head, she stopped him.

“You don’t have any ugly parts. Yes, you’re demanding and bossy and way too overbearing sometimes,” she laughed, “but those are the things I…” She paused, knowing instinctively he wasn’t ready to hear the words just yet. “It’s why I’m so attracted you. Why you make me shake and quiver every time you take me. When you make me moan and beg and scream your name. There’s nowhere else I’d rather be than right here with you.”

His hands grabbed her ass, pressing her close to his thickening member underneath her. She moaned as he pulled her close and slowly pressed her hot mound against his body.

“Seeing you here with me like this…” He briefly closed his eyes. When he opened them, his mouth had curled up in a snarl. “No one will take you from me, Kiana. I don’t know what this is between us. I’m not ready to put a name on it. I also know that I’ll never let you go.”

“Doesn’t matter what we call it, as long as we’re both here,” she responded in a breathless tone.

His voice deepened, as if forcing the words out. “I won’t give you up. With every fiber of my soul, I know you belong with me. I’d kill anyone who tried to come between us. You need to understand that, baby.”

She did the only thing she could, she nodded. “Yes.” Leaning down, she kissed him on the side of his mouth. Kiana didn’t really pay attention to his words. If she had, she might have questioned him a bit more.

Grabbing the bottom of his shirt, she lifted it from his torso, over his head, and tossed it behind her. Rubbing her hands along his sculpted chest, she couldn’t believe the words coming from his mouth, but was damn glad to hear them. His hands grabbed at her own shirt, lifting it from her body, baring her to his gaze. She never wore a bra on nights like this, when it was just the two of them relaxing.

When he’d removed her shirt, her naked breasts came into view only inches away from his mouth. Lifting his head, he smiled at her.

She giggled.

That look meant only one thing. Dipping his head, he licked one nipple, wetting it with his tongue as his hand kneaded the other. After a few seconds, his entire mouth wrapped around her breast, suckling deeply. Her stomach clenched in need as he used his tongue and lips to bring her pleasure.

Switching to the other side, he first gave a little bite and tug on her nipple. Her thighs clenched against his and her mouth fell open in a gasp. Her pussy began leaking cream, slickening the way for his thick cock, which she knew would be inside her soon.

Releasing her other breast, he kissed the skin on her chest right above her heart. Tears pooled in her eyes. Biting her bottom lip to stop from speaking, she shook her head back and forth. If she tried to speak, she knew her mouth would say things her heart wasn’t ready to share.

Max may not say the words, but she knew he felt so much more for her than he was ready to admit. He lifted his hips from the couch, pressing his thickness against her, causing her channel to pulse in need as desire rushed through her.

“This dick is the only one that’ll be inside you from now on. The moans coming out of your mouth are for my ears only.” Using one hand, he pulled her head down to his, kissing her roughly, his tongue pushing inside her mouth, claiming her as only he could. Once he broke the kiss, he bit her bottom lip, refusing to let her go.

Looking into his eyes, Kiana saw an emotion reflected at her that she’d hoped to see one day. Her world revolved around Max. Some would say it was too soon, that she didn’t know enough about him or his world. The man had a background, and he’d be the first to admit he wasn’t an angel. None of that mattered to her.

One time he’d told her people compared him to the devil. Claimed he’d come to accept his lot in life. That since he had to live in this world, this was the life he’d been given.

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