Page 242 of Seductive Temptation

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Six Months Later

When I walk step out of my car and head to the alley, I see her before I get there. The light mist in the air is reminiscent of the first day we met and makes what I’m about to do even more meaningful. I make my way across the street towards the alley, anxious to be close to her. As soon as she sees me, she presses her back against the old stone wall and props one foot on an old stump for support.She knows I love it when she sees me coming and stands in that nasty way that drives me wild.

“Are you looking for a good time?” she starts.

“No,” I say, startling her. “Not tonight. I need more than that from you tonight,” I add.

This is different than the role-playing routine we have done dozens of times. I’m supposed to proposition her with the idea of riding my cock cowboy style behind one of these buildings. She’s supposed to tell me I have to cook her dinner. Then, we’re supposed to run off deeper into the alley and fuck like rabbits with the possibility of getting caught by the old lady, which excites us both to no end.

“What…what do you want to do then?” she plays along until I drop down on one knee. That’s when her eyes start glowing brightly.

“I have the best proposition for you yet,” I say.

“Oh really? What’s that?” she counters with a glimmer of lust in her eyes. I can see the wheels turning in her mind as she contemplates what kind of excursion I’m about to take her on.

“I want you to be mine, officially. Will you be my wife, Yandy? Will you marry me?”

“Blaze, are you serious?” she whispers.

“Yes,” I say and produce a ring from my back pocket.

“Yes. I will marry you. Yes! Yes! I will.”

I slide the ring onto her finger.

“Hurry up and put it on so I can kiss you already,” she demands.

I stand up and take her into my arms, and we melt together, my lips crashing down onto hers. “Thank you, for making me the happiest man alive.”

“Thank goodness,” the old lady says from a window behind us. “It’s about time somebody married that girl. Poor thing has been out here for months trying to catch somebody’s attention. Now, will you take her to your house so she can stop loitering in front of my building? Make an honest woman out of her for everybody’s sake in this building.”

“Mind your business!” I say, angrily.

“No, what she’s saying is true, Blaze. Thank goodness, you’re making an honest woman out of me. Now, you can take me to your apartment and do all kinds of things to me,” Yandy says in a tease.

“Oh, goodness, he’s going to give you a place to stay too,” the lady says jokingly. “You better get going girl.”

“Hey, what are you two doing?” Sloane asks as he walks up. “Are you trying to run all the action off from this block, or what? This isn’t love connection. She’s working,” he adds with an attitude.

“So, I’ve been meaning to talk to you for a while now. The first thing we need to get straight is that when you see me talking to my woman, there is no reason for you to step forward and say a damn thing. I can and will protect my woman from any issues that may arise. Secondly, I know she’s working, but she’s a grown woman and can speak to me when she wants me to leave her alone,” I bark at Sloane. “I don’t give a damn if he sees me. He already knows we’re a couple.” I don’t like Sloane. This conversation is long overdue. He’s too protective of my woman, and I’m the only man she needs to protect her.

Ever since I started dating Yandy officially, I’ve been watching her back out here. In coordination with the FBI, we’ve taken hundreds, if not thousands, of men off the streets. My main concern each day is not only bringing criminals to justice and rescuing young girls who may be forced to be out here, but also to make sure no one harms a hair on my woman’s head.

“I don’t know what she sees in a punk like you anyway. Fucking NYPD?” he says on a laugh.

“Sloane, you are out of line!” Yandy yells and then pushes her partner in the chest. “What the hell is your problem?”

“Why are you coming after me? Talk to him about how he’s out of line for being out here. He’s a cop he should know as well as we do that you don’t come on a prostitute’s corner proposing,” Sloane yells back at Yandy while looking incredulous.

“Back off, Sloane!” she urges.

“No, I won’t back off! I’ve been here for you for years, and he strolls in, and now you’re in love?” He stands close in her face as he speaks. The way he is barking at her makes me lose what’s left of my mind.

I step to him and push him out of her face; then, I land a good shiner onto his right eye. “Don’t you ever stand flat-footed in front of my woman and yell at her. Do you fucking understand me?” I say, punching him again.

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