Page 211 of Seductive Temptation

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“Okay. I’ll be back. Do not get down from there until I return.”

“Yes, sir,” she says with a wink.

I walk out to the car to get her shoes and socks, and Darlene is hot on my heels.

“Um, something you want to tell me about, Brent Phillips?”

“No, not really. Why?”

“Are you sleeping with your employee?”

I stop, turning to face her. “Let’s get it straight. She is an independent contractor who we hired to do a job before she and I became physical. I checked, and the company is protected.”

Darlene shakes her head then laughs a little. “When she walked in for her interview Wednesday, I knew it was going to be over for you.”

“You did? How?”

“There was never a woman who walked through whatever door we were hanging that had a fire like Kara. From the sound her foot made on the concrete when she entered, I knew she was the one for you. She knows the business, she has a drive and determination that’s equal to yours and would make a great addition to the company. But sex muddies the waters, and neither of you need to get hurt.”

She’s right. I know I acted on my feelings at first, but if Kara doesn’t go to Jamaica with me, I don’t know what to expect in this relationship.

“Darlene, I’m not going to hurt her. I asked her to join me on the next project, and she said she wasn’t sure because she didn’t want to leave her sister behind. If she doesn’t go, I don’t know where that will leave us.” I grab her shoes and socks from the car and head back inside.

“Just figure it out. Either you end it now when there isn’t time invested, or you make a declaration of what you want from her. Let it be known, Brent. That way, if she’s not ready, then you separate with a clean cut.”

Darlene walks to her office, and I stare at Kara waiting patiently on the bar frame. I stroll over there thinking of things to say and how to say them. Her honey-brown, almond-shaped eyes take stock of my every step, and her smile widens as I approach.

“I was beginning to think you went and bought me a new pair of shoes or something. It was taking you a while to come back.”

I don’t respond. My head is too caught in what Darlene said, and I know we need to talk. I take a deep breath and let it out slowly while placing her socks on her feet followed by her shoes.

“Kara, step into the store room with me, please. I want to talk to you.” I know the way I said it will cause her to have concern either for her job or for this thing we have between us. Either way, I know I didn’t leave her feeling comfortable.

“Okay. Sure.”

She hops down, and I step to the side, allowing her to take the lead. We enter the storage, and I close the door and lock it. Not before sending Darlene a text letting her know that we are not to be disturbed.

“So, I’m in here. What bad news do you want to tell me? That I’m fired for the small injury? That this weekend was great but you’re not sure you want to be in a relationship with me? Just tell me. Don’t sugarcoat shit for me.”

“Kara, you’re not fired. I don’t think I was being completely honest with myself, let alone you this weekend.” I take a deep breath before continuing, and I see her face try to tear up and I want to stop it before she gets the wrong idea. “I love you. There’s no thinking needed. Yes, it started off as a desire thing, especially when I watched you climb that ladder and saw your ass in that purple thong. When you misstepped and landed on top of me, I knew we were going to be together. I took a chance and put it all out there. I told you I wanted you to be mine, and I meant it. I just wanted to let you know where I stand.”

She stares for a minute, and I look away, carefully avoiding her gaze. She walks up to me and stands firm in front of me. Her arms crossed, lips puckered.

“Brent— I told you don’t fall for me. I knew I wouldn’t be able to reciprocate, and I only said I felt the same because I didn’t want to hurt you like you don’t want to hurt me. I think it’s best that maybe I finish this job and we stop seeing each other.”

She opens the door and leaves. My heart is stunned. I opened myself to her, letting her know that I’m in love with her, and she shoots me down. She seemed willing to being in this relationship, but she blindsided me. What did I do? Was my hesitation enough to cause her to worry? Did bringing up her past cause her pain to resurface, and she bailed?

“Son of a bitch,” I exclaim loudly as I throw a punch, breaking through the wall in the storage room.

Darlene and Jerome come rushing in when they hear all the commotion.

“Boss, what’s…oh.” Jerome sees my hand, the wall, and the anger in my eyes and decides to back out of this one. I hear him radio his wall tech to come start a repair ASAP.

“Brent, what happened? Why did she run up out of here and you breaking walls and shit?” Darlene questions.

I veer around her and go to my office where I stare out the window and see Kara climbing into a taxi. She looks in pain and is doubled over crying. I told her I loved her, I think, holding on to my now-injured hand. I try to figure out what did I do wrong, but nothing comes to mind.

“Brent, put this icepack on your hand. Seriously, two incidents in one day? OSHA is going to have some questions.”

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