Page 173 of Seductive Temptation

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The Dinner

“I’m glad to see you’re not one of those women that I have to wait an hour or two for to get ready when I tell them I’m picking them up for a dinner date,” I told Khadejah leading her to the black limo. “Thanks Danny,” I thanked the driver as he held the door open for us to get inside.

“Oh, I bet you have lots of dates with those type women, huh?” Khadejah asked once settled. There is a frown on her beautiful face and I can’t allow those frown lines to adorn her beautiful face when she’s in my presence.

“I’m not a playboy if that’s what you’re asking. I won’t lie to you though. I’ve been on my fair share of dates but I’m not in a serious relationship. The women I’ve been with always knew the score.”

“Oh, I see,” she replied giving me an intense look before she turned her head to look out the window. She became engrossed in the night’s passing scenery.

“No, I don’t think you see but you will,” my eyes caressed her brown radiant skin. The knee length black dress she wore draped over her curvaceous body like a second skin. My cock rose to life. I pulled my pants leg down to make room for its growing length.

“So do you have a boyfriend, Khadejah?” Her head snapped around with my line of questioning. Her brown eyes narrow but I could see a sheen of wetness enter her eyes.

“I don’t want to talk about Darren. He’s a complete asshole,” she gritted the words out. “But no, I don’t have a boyfriend. Life is so much better without them,” she added and then went quiet again. I allowed the quietness to hang between us until we arrived at the restaurant. I could wait until she decided to confide in me. I needed for Khadejah to trust me and realize all men aren’t like Darren.

“I hope you like seafood,” I said as the hostess leads us to a small table in an intimate area of the restaurant. Most tables were full. I had no worries since I had made a reservation for our dinner days ago. I pulled out a chair for Khadejah before I took a seat across from her. The area was dim. The only lights were from the well placed candles giving the restaurant an intimate setting.

“I like seafood,” Khadejah replied and fidgeted in her seat.

“A server will be with you shortly. What kind of wine do you want to go with your meal?” The hostess asked placing a menu before us without the prices listed.

“Give us a bottle of Sauvignon Blanc.”

“Very well sir,” the hostess replied before taking her leave.

A server soon advanced toward our seating area. “Good evening,” the server greeted and poured our wine before sitting the bottle on the table.

“Good evening,” Khadejah and I responded in unison.

“What will you two be having tonight?”

“Khadejah what will you have?” I gave her an expectant look.

“What do you recommend?” she looked up at the server and gave him a friendly smile. I became jealous because she never smiled at me that way. I want her smiles reserved for me and me alone. Get a grip on yourself man, I tell myself.

“The roasted sea bass sauté with fresh spinach tossed with lemon juice, feta, and pine nuts is the night’s special. It’s really good too,” the server suggested.

“Then that’s what I’ll have,” Khadejah replied.

“I’ll have the same,” I chimed in.

“Do you want any dessert?” The server asked.

“None for me, Khadejah said with a quickness.

“I will take the Sorbet Medley with an assortment of fresh berries,” I supplied before handing over the menu. Khadejah did the same.

“Okay, I’ll be back with your orders shortly.”

“Why don’t you want dessert.”

“Just because I’m on the plus size doesn’t mean I like dessert, Mr. Redding.”

Taken aback I stare into her eyes before I can bring myself to speak. “Khadejah, I wasn’t thinking of your size when I asked you that. You are a beautiful woman with curves that any man would want to admire. But to be honest, I want to be the only man who admires them.”

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