Page 165 of Seductive Temptation

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“Bastard!” I fumed aloud. How the hell did a stranger walk up and kiss someone he didn’t know. He must have lost his frigging mind. Egotistical bastards that are too handsome for their own good need to keep their lips to themselves. He could have cooties for all I know!” I continued to fume as I slung dress after dress from my closet onto my bed.

“What are you fussing about?” Regina Patton, my roommate who happens to be my best friend, entered my bedroom.

“I’m supposed to start my new job tonight at The Diamond Class Lounge, and I don’t have any idea what to wear.” I avoided telling her about the presumptuous stranger I met earlier today. Thoughts of him and the way he manhandled me have been plaguing me all day. No matter how much I tried to put the kiss from my mind. For a brief moment, I allowed myself to wonder if it was really only anger or if there was something else that made me cling to that kiss and the whole evening like this. I quickly stopped myself before I got too carried away and continued to rummage through my closet.

“You have plenty of pretty dresses to wear, Dejah. I don’t think you're upfront with me. I thought I heard the words bastard, kiss and handsome as I came into the apartment. What has got you riled up? Did Darren try to contact you again?” She asked speaking of the reason that I moved here to Virginia Beach from Gadsden Alabama in the first place.

“No, but Darren is a no-good bastard too. Every time I think of catching him fucking my younger sister I get outraged!” I really did wish I could stop thinking about it.

“I hope you’re angry with Kee-Kee too. Kee-Kee is twenty-one years old Dejah. She knew what the fuck she was doing.”

“Yeah, but Darren is twenty-eight years old and he was supposed to be my future husband. He should have been the mature adult and kept his dick in his pants. True, Kee-Kee hurt me more than Darren, because she was my little sister. I’m twenty-five, and I was supposed to protect her from slime ball cheaters like Darren,” I can feel hot tears gathering behind my lids. I blinked them away as fast as I could, but the treacherous tears betrayed me like Darren and my sister did. Sorrow consumed me as I took in a shuddering breath. “I think I’m swearing off men for good.” Especially the handsome stranger that assaulted my lips, I mused.

“Come here girl,” Regina opened her arms wide. I threw down the black dress I had in my hands onto the bed and walked into her comforting arms. “Everything will be alright, I promise you. Do you remember all the heartache we went through in high school?”

“Hmm, I don’t want to remember.”

“Well, we both got over it didn’t we?” Regina questioned.

“Yeah, we sure did. Thank God, college was much better,” I sighed laying my head on her shoulder.

“Ooh, it was so much better,” Regina chuckled patting my back.

“There’s just one thing though,” I grunted pulling away from my friend’s embrace as I felt a familiar longing entering my heart.

“What’s that?” She reached over and brushed a tear away from my right cheek.

“I wished I hadn’t met the likes of Darren Smith during his Senior year when I was a Freshman year in college. I never want to see or talk to him again.”

“What about Kee-Kee? Will you revive your relationship with her? You know your mom and dad will wonder what’s going on if you keep dodging talking about your sister every time they call. Then there’s the fact that the holidays are coming up soon. How will you handle that when you go back home to Alabama?”

“I hadn’t thought that far ahead yet. I have a month before Christmas. Besides I just got hired at The Diamond Class Lounge. I might not be able to get the time off, if so that will be a great excuse and fine by me.”

“What about New Year’s then? Mostly everyone gets some time off for the Holidays. Even I get some time off at the Health Dental Care office where I work. We don’t open back up until after New Year’s Day.”

“Stop looking for problems Regina,” I huffed and walked back over to my pile of dresses. I looked down at them with exasperation. “I will solve that problem when I get to it,” I sighed.

“Alright, change of subject. I think you should wear the clingy black dress, pair it with your red mango half coat and your red high heel booties. You’re going to knock them dead your first night on the job. Did you meet your boss yet?”

“I think you’re right. These boots will go well together with my outfit. I think you went into the wrong field. Fashion is your calling,” I teased. “But no I didn’t meet my boss. I got notified that I had the job through an assistant. I don’t Even have any idea what he looks like.”

“Oh, okay. I’m sure you will get to meet your boss tonight, and you already know that fashion was my minor,” she arched her right brow and smiled.

“Of course, I remember. I can never thank you enough for getting me this job. You will be there tonight, right?”

“I sure will, and I can’t wait to hear you do your thing. I knew that working in a stuffy office all day wasn’t for you. At least now you get to do what you always dreamed you wanted to do. You get to sing.”

“Thanks, Gina. I will say again; you saved me from a life of misery by letting me move out here to live with you. I’ll get out of your hair and get me an apartment of my own as soon as possible,” I promised her.

“It’s cool. I like you living here. It brings back college memories when we shared rooms in the dorm together. Please don’t be in any rush on my account.”

“You are the best!”

“I know right. Now, get dressed. You don’t want to be tardy on your first night on the job. I will even drive you over. Give me twenty minutes to get dressed.”

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