Page 126 of Seductive Temptation

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“Yes,” I said eagerly, a little too eagerly. “I mean…of course.”

Beside me, Jase chuckled.

I kept my expression neutral as I discreetly inhaled. Whatever cologne he was wearing smelled divine. Looks-wise, he was gorgeous. Tall with a lean body, vivid emerald green eyes, hair so blonde it looked almost white, neatly groomed facial hair and a voice that was deep and smooth.He looked like a dapper surfer in the dress clothes he wore.

Paloma started talking again, drawing my attention back to her.

“Okay, so, you both know that myself and a group of eleven other interracial romance authors are doing a boxed set, right?”

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Jase nod at the same time I did.

“We’re looking to put together a huge catalogue of photos to choose from. The boxed set will have a single cover for the ‘box’ itself, but each individual novella in the set will have its own cover as well. So, basically, over the next few weeks, we’re going to have you guys shoot a bunch of different looks and themes. Some authors write paranormal interracial romance, some write historical interracial romance, and some, like me, write erotic interracial romance.”

She paused, as if trying to gauge our reactions. I kept my face impassive because I didn’t know what I was supposed to react to. This sounded like a standard catalogue with multiple looks and sets. End of story.

“Most of the shoots will be of a sexual or romantic nature. Kelly, Jase, is that something you’re both okay with?”

Instantaneously, we replied, “Yes.”

Paloma let out an exaggerated sigh of relief and chuckled.

“Wait,” Jase said in that smooth voice of his. “Were you actually worried that we wouldn’t be okay with that?”

I’d wondered the same thing.

“Yes,” she admitted. “We would never ask you to do anything you’re not comfortable with, such as kiss or pose nude, but this is a romance catalogue. The poses will be suggestive, the garb will be extremely revealing, and most shoots will be in a sexualized setting. That was part of the reason I wanted to have you two meet: to see if you had a natural chemistry that would translate well to photographs.”

When Paloma didn’t elaborate, despite telling myself not to, I leaned forward and asked, “Well, do we?”

She nodded enthusiastically. “I saw it immediately! That said, I would like to formally extend you both the offer to model for the Steamy Swirls boxed set. Contracts containing more details will be sent out this evening. One of the authors in the set is a lawyer by day, so she’s drafting those up, but I wanted to personally offer you the job. Any questions?”

My hand flew up and both Jase and Paloma laughed. I put it down, feeling silly. I couldn’t help how I was acting, I was just so damn nervous. Maybe because I needed this job so badly. Or maybe because of the fine male specimen sitting next to me.

“A few, actually,” I said sheepishly. “The advertisement said something about you all paying for a hotel, but I live in San Jose, which isn’t too far away. I can easily drive up for the shoots. Is that okay?”

“Absolutely,” Paloma replied. “But if you do want to stay in San Francisco, another one of the authors in the set is the manager of the Frisco B&B, so she gets rooms for next to nothing.” Pausing, she chuckled to herself. “I should mention that a lot of the authors contributed more than monies for this catalogue. I talked about one who’s a lawyer, another is a hotel manager and took care of the rooms. I have a sister who has a boutique, so she’s supplying all of the clothes for the shoots and so on and so forth for the hair and makeup and photography aspects.”

“That’s great to know! If there’s a super early shoot or something, then I may take you up on the offer and spend the night in town.”

Jase added, “I live here in San Fran, so if you need anything while you’re in the city, just let me know.” I could have sworn Paloma let out a dreamy sigh.

Our gazes met and the vividness of his emerald eyes temporarily stunned me.

“Thanks, Jase,” I managed to reply.

“Anytime.” His smile was a lady-killer. And I was willing to bet he was, too.

“You had another question?” Paloma prompted.

“Oh, yes…you talked about us not doing anything we’re not comfortable with. I always like to state my boundaries in advance of a shoot, so here they are: I’m comfortable with touching and kissing. I’m also fine with posing in lingerie or revealing clothes, but I don’t do outright or full nudity. Something like being topless under a sheet is fine. Other than that, I’m good with whatever you and the other authors have planned.”

She nodded in understanding and I secretly breathed a sigh of relief. If any of my qualms had been a deal breaker, I didn’t know what I would have done. I needed this paycheck that bad.

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