Page 107 of Seductive Temptation

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I’m an idiot. The idiot of all idiots. I wanted to blame the alcohol but is it really the alcohol that made me moan like I had lost my ever lovin’ mind when it came to the way Dom kissed me. Damn! Damn! Damn! Was all I could think of because no other words came to me right away about the way that man kissed. That was not little Dominic Harley that I knew as my old best friend or the boy I had a crush on. Pushed out was the little boy and a man stood in place. A man whose kiss traveled from my lips all the way to my nether regions, he made me want to cuss my own daddy out and lord knows how much I loved him.

I turned to slightly look at him as he stared at the Bed & Breakfast that I exited out of with my suitcase and backpack. He didn’t have to hide the disgust on his face, I knew I wasn’t living like the rest of them, I wasn’t going to hide that. I sighed as Dom’s driver instead of the Uber driver pulled away from the street. My thoughts went to the Uber driver who probably rated Dom a one-star customer for not only cancelling but making him watch as he sodomized me, okay well not sodomized but close enough on the street like a two-dollar hooker. Not that I have a problem with hookers, cause honey if you’re gonna give it up might as well go big or go home. Be a high-class escort and get those company dollars, get the big bucks for it and not two dollars. Can’t even buy anything off the McDonald’s dollar menu with that kind of money.

“Damn shame.” I said out loud as I shook my head forgetting that I was in the car with pigheaded Harley.

“What’s a damn shame Roe?”

“You don’t want to know.” I lightly chuckled turning to face him.

“Must be one of your twisted sayings about something, as always.” He rolled his eyes.

I scoffed,

“You don’t know me boy.”

I watched as the display on his face changed. His lips turned into a scowl and I wondered what the hell was his issue. He moved so quickly that I didn’t register it at first. He was in my face stealing my air again and this time, I felt a large hand on my thigh as it caressed me. My eyes darted from his hand to his face. What the hell was he thinking?

“Mmm…” He began as I sat there quietly watching him.

I didn’t want to admit it but this boy, no scratch that, this man was trying to get me to punch him in the face. How dare he caress my thigh like this? Was I turned on? Oh, hell yes and was I thinking about jumping unto his lap as I rode him off into the sunset? Definitely, but I couldn’t do that. I couldn’t just let go enough, I didn’t trust him anymore. He, like my sister who I tried so hard to see that we were family and my mother abandoned me. My mother, who was also named Estelle hence why we called Essy, well Essy. Estelle didn’t outright leave but that mean old lady, yes OLD as I liked to call her in my head, abandoned me from birth. I did everything, everything I could for her to love me but in the end, even as she croaked out and died, said to me while looking in my eyes, “I should’ve closed my legs as you were being brought into the world. Crushed your little head so I wouldn’t have to look at you”.

I should’ve hated her, but I couldn’t, especially since my father loved her. He loved my mother with all his heart and he couldn’t bear living without her even if it meant leaving me all alone in this world. I never understood why she hated me so. I thought I was adopted for the longest and she was being such an evil stepmother but then, when I was 17, I stole her DNA and had it tested to see if she was my mother. She was, yet nothing could explain her, hate for me. As I sunk into a dark place filled with epic proportions of gruesome hateful memories, a voice, a voice that pained me even more broke through those memories.

“Monroe…” Dom called my name out. I blinked a couple of times and re-focused seeing that he was still too close in proximity.

I jerked my head back.

“You’re way too close right now.”

“Where did you just go?” He asked, concern written all over his face. Well I didn’t care for his concern. He was too late.

“Nowhere.” I answered.

“Roe…” He began, “Talk to me. I can see it in your eyes Monroe, since the moment that you stepped foot in the restaurant.”

“No.” I flat out said. His words surprised me.

“Why not?” He softly asked still too close, still too in my face.

I looked away, but he took my chin into his hand turning me to face him. He didn’t say anything as he watched me, waiting for me to say something but all I saw in those eyes was the way my best friend Dominic Harley used to look at me and want to make all the pain go away when my mother hurt my feelings. He was my world, my protector, my everything but he left me.

“You abandoned me.” Was all I said as I jerked my head back with force causing his hand to release my chin. I turned away from him and stared out the window. I didn’t want to be anywhere near Dominic Harley, he hurt me the most because I loved him the most.



You abandoned me…Those words bothered me as I tossed and turned all night long. Monroe was set up in my guest bedroom and the thought of her face as it lit up when we came into my apartment was the highlight. Her reaction made me laugh, it was like her sadness that kept us mute in the car dissolved as she looked around bug-eyed.

“Woah! Dominic, this is your place? This is sweet!”

“Thanks.” I smiled, proud that she complimented me on my place.

She whistled as she took a look at the open concept kitchen, living-room and dining-room. The color scheme of beige cupboards matching the marble counter tops and the black everywhere seemed to get a nod from her. There were two pillars in the center of the open concept room, one was closer to the living-room area while the other was in the kitchen, half disappearing into the center of the kitchen island. The living room was my favorite place to be,the flat screen television that was parallel to the black leather couch, the wall-to -wall windows called to me every morning as I stared out down below seeing everything that was happening. It was my time to reflect and most of the time, I thought about so many things that changed as soon as I moved with my father.

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