Page 103 of Seductive Temptation

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Why was he following me? Had I not made it clear enough for Dom? I didn’t want to be followed nor did I care to speak to him. I had to speed walk out of that cesspool that my sister called a home. It was somewhat of a relief that I wasn’t staying with her. I love Estelle, I really do but sometimes dealing with her was truly draining, times like now. I just wanted it all to end and for me to go back to the life that I had left in Athens. It may not be this lavish, but it is a great life nonetheless. I didn’t have to worry about anyone looking down on me or thinking they were better than me.

As I walked, I was in such deep thought that I didn’t realize how far I had gotten and that a sleek black Mercedes-Benz SL class was following me. I abruptly stopped and turned to face them, What the hell did they want from me? I couldn’t properly see who was inside the car, but I didn’t care as I crossed my arms over my chest. The person parked the car and as soon as the driver door opened, I knew I made a mistake by not walking away. Dom unfolded himself from the car and I took him in for the first time today. He was sporting a dark gray dress shirt tucked into black slacks and as he came around to me. I spotted his Christian Louboutin loafers, of course I only knew this because of the soles. I wanted to ask him how many damn pairs of shoes he had but that was none of my business, instead I kept my face neutral.

I pursed my lips, “What is it Dominic? Can you please just leave me alone?”

His demeanor looked like he could kill at any moment.

“No one’s called me Dominic in a long time.” He said, I could care less.

“That’s great, if that’s what you followed me to say then you have. Have a great remainder of the day. I’ve got to go.”

I shook my head and turned to leave. I was exhausted and wanted to sleep. I hadn’t gotten much sleep and it was all that I was looking forward to.

“Get in the car Monroe.” Dominic said to me with such authority it caused me to halt in my steps.

I cocked an eyebrow and turned to look at him. Was this man nuts, ordering me around?

“Excuse me?” I questioned.

He didn’t waste time as he took a couple more steps and stepped directly in my face. I had to crane my neck up in order to look at him. How tall was this man now? Six foot five? Jesus! His features became hard at some unspoken anger, his jaw clenched as he stared hard at me.

“I’m not going to repeat myself again, either you get in or I’ll make you get in.” He reiterated.

My nose flared in anger at his tone. I wasn’t sure if I was more upset that I liked the way he spoke to me or if I wanted to kill him for talking to me like that. He had the audacity to do that as if he knew me well enough anymore to talk to me in that way.

“You must’ve lost your mind talkin’ to me like that Dom. You really must’ve.”

He smirked as if he knew something I didn’t know.

“Get in Roe.”

I rolled my eyes crossing my arms over my chest and opened my mouth to speak but he cut me off.

“Roll your eyes at me one more time and I’ll punish you for it.”

My head reared back at his statement. What the hell was that about? Was this man on crack? Was he playing a joke on me? I began to laugh, a genuine laugh I hadn’t released in such a long time and my laugh was cut short when he leaned in, leaving no breathing room between his face and mine. His lips hovered over mine and it caught me off guard. My eyes widened in pure surprise at his nearness. I looked back up into his eyes and they were colder than I had ever seen them, but there was also a hint of something else there too.

I was the first to blink and I took a couple steps back as if coming out of a trance. I sighed and shut my eyes looking away from the intensity.

“Okay fine just drop me off at the nearest subway or something. That’s all I’ll allow.” I said as I moved towards the passenger side of his car.

I didn’t wait for his agreement as I got in the car sliding in smoothly. The seat cushion felt like pure bliss on my plush behind. I didn’t look at Dom as he got into the driver’s sidesuddenly the large luxury vehiclefelt like a Volkswagen on a hot and humid day. I didn’t speak, nor did I want to, Dom didn’t deserve my words.

“Can we go grab a drink first? I want to talk to you for a bit and then I promise I’ll drop you wherever you want.”

I turned to look at him and he gave me that puppy dog eyed face he always gave me to get his way. I sighed and nodded turning to look away as he smiled. I hope to God, I don’t regret this stop.



I couldn’t believe she actually said yes to having drinks with me. My plan was set in motion. I wanted her to get tipsy enough to let her guard down, I wanted desperately to know what she is going through, and why. I wanted to know all that I missed. To begin with, why she told Estelle she was staying in a shelter. What happened to their house? Was she homeless? So many questions swarmed throughout my mind all through the drinks that we had. At first, she sipped her drink slowly but then with each drink, she became relaxed and started to smile more instead of throwing daggers at me with her eyes.

I watched her as a song came on in the bar we were in and she forgot everything as she shut her eyes moving her body to the rhythm of the song.

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