Page 69 of Dirty Ballistics

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She gripped his hand and leaned into his touch. She closed her eyes and basked in the feeling of Declan.

“Why the tears?”

“Because it’s over with, right?” she asked. Her heart raced with the thought that she was finally free and would no longer have to be in protective custody.

She could have her life back.

“Yes, it’s over. With Ray dead, there is no need for you to testify.”

Sobs racked Aspen’s body. Declan pulled her to him and enclosed his arms around her. She held on to him tight and let all of the emotions flow out of her. Without saying a word, he just held her and let her cry it out.

She had lost so much, and now with Ray out of the picture, she could finally move on with her life.

She’d lost track of time. She sniffed and knew Declan’s shirt was drenched.

“I’m sorry,” she whispered.

“What do you have to be sorry for?” Declan asked. He slid a finger underneath her chin and tipped her face forward to meet her eyes. “After everything you’ve been through, I’d say you needed that.”

“But I got your shirt all wet and I think there’s snot on it, too,” she whined, embarrassed.

“I think I’m built tougher than that, Aspen. I’m here for you, and if you want to cry on my shoulder, I’ll take all the tears and snot.” He chuckled.

She couldn’t help the smile that appeared on her lips. She swatted his shoulder.

“Declan, there’s so much I want to say,” she began, but was cut off by his finger pressing against her lips.

“Before you say anything, I have something I need to get off my chest,” he announced.

Her heart raced with the possibilities of what he was about to tell her. She bit her lip and nodded. He removed his finger and smiled. “Aspen Hale—Irvin—I love you. I know you’ve been to Hell and back and will need to get your life back in order, but I want you to know that I am in love with you.”

“Oh, Declan,” she breathed. Tears welled up in her eyes, and this time she brushed them away.

How did she think she’d be able to walk away from him?

“I was talking to the feds, and they are going to restore your life back to the way it was,” he began, and this time, it was her turn to put her finger to his lips.

She shook her head. “I don’t want my life back to the way it was before all of this craziness.”

He stared at her. “You don’t?”

“No. If it went back to the way it was before I discovered what Ray had been doing or witnessed him shoot that man, I wouldn’t have you in my life. I need you, Declan.” Her voice cracked, and he leaned forward and pressed his lips to hers.

“You just don’t know how good it feels to hear you say that.”

His unwavering gaze held hers, and she could feel herself getting lost in his eyes.

“It’s the truth,” she admitted.

“I’m not rich, Aspen,” he began. His hand cupped her cheek while his thumb slowly stroked her skin. “I’m a retired Navy veteran, living on a policeman’s pay.”

“None of that matters to me.” She smiled gently. It didn’t. Even if she’d never saved money in those offshore accounts, she would be happy starting over in life as long as Declan was by her side. “I just need you to love me.”


Chapter 25

Declan stood back and watched while Aspen addressed the press alongside the federal prosecutor and federal agents. He couldn’t have been prouder of her in that moment. She was dressed in a killer business suit, her hair flowed down her back, and her outfit was completed by the fashionable cane Sarena and Ronnie had gifted her.

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