Page 6 of Dirty Ballistics

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“Yes, everything’s fine,” she lied. She wiped her mouth with her napkin and knew that he knew she was lying. She swiveled her eyes back to the couples dancing to the music. The sound of Declan’s chair pushing back from the table grabbed her attention. She watched as he made his way around their table.

She greedily took him in. The man was physically fit, and it was apparent that he took care of himself. He’d folded his sleeves, displaying his tattooed forearms. Aspen wasn’t sure when she began thinking forearms were sexy, but his definitely did something for her.

“Dance with me,” he murmured, holding his hand out.

Without hesitation, she placed her smaller one in his and allowed him to pull her from the chair. She may not know what the future held for her, but she was willing to grab on to what she could for the moment, and if dinner and dancing with Declan was right now, she’d take it.

He guided her to the dance floor and swung her around before pulling her close to him. She gasped as her body molded against his. He left no room in between them. His hard length pushed into her stomach. She bit her lip and tilted her head back to gaze up into his hooded eyes. Their bodies fit together perfectly. Everywhere he was hard, she was soft. She felt protected in his arms while their bodies swayed to the music. Declan knew exactly what he was doing. He was wooing her.

She wouldn’t be able to resist the temptation of Declan Owen. She’d tossed caution to the wind. She’d take this night and hold on to it. She’d be selfish and take great pleasure with Declan. Tomorrow, she’d go back to her everyday routine that she’d established here in Columbia.

“So do all you southern boys know how to dance?” she murmured, loving the feel of his hand on the small of her back. For someone who was as large as he was, Declan sure knew how to move. Dancing was one of her favorite pastimes, and tonight she had a great partner.

“My mother believed all southern boys should learn the basics.” He laughed, twirling her around before bringing her flush to his body again.

“Well, one day, I’ll have to thank Mrs. Owen for teaching her son how to dance.” She laughed, too, but then caught what she’d said. She held back a curse at her slip-up.

There would be no future meeting of families.

He must have felt her stiffen. A frown appeared on his face before disappearing. She avoided his eyes and laid her head on his strong chest, her thoughts racing. She closed her eyes and tried to relax, but Declan’s hand on the small of her back slid down lower onto the swell of her ass.

The sexual tension surrounding them could be cut with a knife. His body called to hers, and it was getting harder to resist. It didn’t help that he wasn’t even hiding his hard length from her.

“So, Sergeant Owen, is that a gun in your pants, or are you just happy to be dancing with me?” she asked, trying not to laugh at her horrible attempt at a joke.

“Oh, I’m very happy to be dancing with you,” he growled, his fingers digging into the meat of her ass.

She bit her lip again and eased back to glance up at him. His hooded eyes met hers. She slid her hand up his hard chest, and it found its way to the nape of his neck. He slowly lowered his head to hers and covered her lips with his.

She sighed and leaned into him. His tongue thrust forth, sweeping into her mouth to meet hers. She wasn’t shy in meeting his tongue with hers. The kiss was downright scathing hot, open and deep. The restaurant was forgotten; she was lost in Declan’s kiss. Her nipples painfully pushed against her bra, demanding to be set free.

The attraction between them was intense and had Aspen wanting to climb up and wrap her legs around Declan, but the dance floor was certainly not the place. A small protest escaped her lips, and he pulled back and leaned his forehead on hers. They both were slightly out of breath from the kiss. Aspen’s body was on fire for him. She entwined her fingers at the base of his neck.

“Wow,” she gasped.

“Aspen, I don’t want to lead you on or anything,” he said.

Her eyes flew open.

Doubt entered her mind. Was the attraction all one-sided? Did he not feel what she felt?

“Okay,” she responded slowly, unsure of where he was going with this.

“I don’t do relationships,” he began.

She bit back a sigh of relief. As much as she would want to see where this thing with him would go, she couldn’t afford to be in a relationship. She had too much on her plate at the moment.

“I know you feel what is between us,” he said.

She nodded, their bodies slowly swaying with the beat of the music. The feel of his hands on her made it hard for her to concentrate. His possessive touch was obvious every time she glanced around and saw another man eyeing her. Declan would shoot off a glare to warn them off.

“I want you,” he declared.

The muscles of her stomach quivered at the hunger in his eyes. Relief filled her. She gripped him tight to her, pushing her breasts against his chest.

His nostrils flared as she smiled up at him. “I don’t want to lie or make any excuses at all.

“I want you, too,” she replied. She shyly lowered her eyes to his stubble. The dark shadow on his chin had her fingers itching to rub his jaw. She ached to feel the stubble between her thighs. She traced her hand down his chest and settled it over his heart, unsure how to make the offer for him to come back to her apartment.

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