Page 52 of Dirty Ballistics

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She certainly had a better perspective of the men of SWAT. They bravely put their lives on the line so people like her could remain safe.

The men moved quietly. She strained to hear anything, trying to use her senses in the low light. She placed her hand out and rested it on Declan’s ballistics vest. The feel of it comforted her. Hers was tightly encasing her body.

At the time Declan had placed it on her, she’d thought it had been overkill.

Now look at her.

Being hunted down.

Her breaths were coming fast as they crept through the building. Her eyes adjusted, and she could see the open plan. There were no walls. Only open space and large support pillars lining each side of the warehouse. It was stripped down to nothing but stone and rubble.

“Straight ahead,” Declan whispered.

She snapped her eyes back forward and focused on the SWAT stamp on his back.

Tension filled the air while they pressed on.

Halfway there.

She almost forgot to breathe. Mac and Brodie kept their rifles raised, sweeping the area. The other two, Myles and Iker, silently trailed behind them. They had fanned out around Aspen while Declan led the group.

A sound of metal rattling echoed. Aspen jumped. A squeal escaped her lips before she could clamp her hand across her mouth. The men focused their attention over to a dark corner. Brodie clicked on a flashlight, and Aspen blew out a deep sigh of relief.

The debris on the floor in the corner rolled away, revealing a fat rat scurrying along the wall.

“Keep moving,” Mac’s low voice jerked them all back into motion.

Aspen kept her gaze ahead. The SWAT team was more protection that she’d ever thought she’d need, and right now she was grateful to them all.

They neared the doors. Aspen let out an unsteady breath. She watched in amazement as the men communicated with hand signals. Mac directed Brodie and Iker to the door.

Declan reached behind and drew her closer to his back. She molded to him, comforted by his strong presence. She gripped his arm tight, feeling the tension rolling off him in waves.

“I see the trucks,” Iker whispered.

His words were music to Aspen’s ears. Declan kept his hand on her and lowered his gun. He stepped forward, aligning them behind Brodie.

Mac moved to Iker’s side, and she watched, amazed how Declan and Mac communicated without saying a word.

One look and a nod.

They truly worked together as a team.

“Keep your head down. I’ll guide you to the first truck,” Declan instructed her.

Her heart slammed with the thought of stepping back out there. The sounds of the bullets hitting their truck reverberated in her mind. Fear gripped her, but she was able to nod.

“You can do this. We won’t let anything happen to you.”

“Got it,” she managed to choke out. Heart pounding, she took a deep breath.

Declan turned away from her and motioned with his hand.

Brodie stood and stepped back from the door. “I’m going to have to shoot the lock,” he announced in a low voice.

Declan turned and put his body in front of her, pushing them away from the door. He wrapped her in his strong embrace. She closed her eyes and breathed in deeply again. Her body jerked from the sounds of the two soft pops.

“Clear,” someone said.

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