Page 4 of Dirty Ballistics

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Someone had told the gangster it was Mac who’d put down his cousin. They still had yet to discover who the rat was.

Not knowing if sensitive information was hitting the streets made what they did more dangerous. The discovery of the leak led IRB to get in everyone’s ass at the station. There was still no word on who it was.

But that didn’t mean Declan couldn’t investigate it without anyone knowing. Because of the leak, his friend suffered. That twenty-four-hour period when Sarena had first gone missing had been hell on Mac. In all the years he’d known Mac, Declan had never seen him lose it before. The tortured look in Mac’s eyes was something Declan prayed he would not ever have to experience himself.

Declan put on his blinker and coasted his truck to a stop in front of the restaurant. He patiently waited for the oncoming traffic to pay before turning into the parking lot of the restaurant. He found a decent spot and shut the truck off.

He glanced over at the building and blew out a deep breath. According to Evie, Aspen would be wearing a black dress and would have a flower in her long black hair.

Entering the establishment, he was greeted by the hostess. Her gaze perused his body, and a wide smile spread across her face. He’d seen the look plenty of times. She was easy on the eyes, but just not his type.

He’d kept his attire to semi-dress. A black button-down shirt and slacks.

“Welcome to Donnie’s. How may I help you?” she greeted him as he arrived in front of her.

He glanced down at her name tag with Julie written across it.

“Hello, Julie.” He smiled and easily read the interest in her eyes. He shrugged. Maybe after dinner with Aspen, he would take Julie up on her unspoken offer. It wouldn’t do any harm. He’d keep his promise to Evie and then would be free to do as he pleased. He informed Julie that he was meeting someone.

“The other half of your party is already at the bar. I can show you the way,” she offered, gesturing towards the bar.

“No need. I know where it is.” He shook his head, moved past her, and headed down the short hall that led to the bar.

“Um, Mr. Owen,” Julie called out behind him.

He turned to find her smiling.

She tucked her dark hair behind her ear. “If it doesn’t work out with your friend, I get off in an hour.”

He threw her a wink and a smile. “Duly noted.”

He continued on and chuckled. Maybe this night would be lucky. He entered the bar area and scanned the counter, zeroing in on the only person at the bar that could be Aspen.

His breath caught in his throat as he took her in from afar. Even in the low-light establishment, he could see her beauty from where he stood. Her bronze skin practically glowed. Her long hair flowed down her back in curls. A flower was tucked in behind her ear, holding her hair back. She stood at the bar sipping on a drink. Her black dress did nothing to hide her curvy frame.

Declan’s mouth watered at the sight of her body. Another man coming to stand next to her brought on a growl that escaped from his chest. Before he realized it, his feet were already carrying him across the room.

“Hey, pretty lady. A man shouldn’t let someone as beautiful as you wait,” the man was saying.

Declan casually made his way to Aspen’s other side.

“Let me buy you a drink,” the stranger pressed.

“No, thank you,” she replied casually, barely looking at the man.

Declan almost felt sorry for the guy, who was average-looking and hitting on her. Declan wasn’t sure why, but he was itching to plow his fist directly in the jerk’s face.

“Your date is —”

“Right here,” Declan growled, sending a glare the man’s way. He knew that better men couldn’t return his glare, and this one just shrank back, his gaze meeting Declan’s.

Aspen turned toward him, and their eyes connected. Lust and need slammed into his chest as he gazed into her dark irises. His attention traveled down toward her plump lips that he wanted to slam his mouth to, but he figured he’d at least introduce himself first. His perusal trailed farther, and he had to fight to adjust his cock that was pressing against his pants. Her dress dipped low to put her ample breasts on display.

“Are you sure—” the man stuttered, but Declan flickered his eyes back to him, cutting him off.

If he didn’t get the message, Declan was sure his fist would deliver it more clearly.

He got the message.

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