Page 22 of Dirty Ballistics

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“So, how long have you two been dating?” Mac asked, settling back against the booth.

“We’re not,” both said in unison.

She darted her eyes to Declan, but he was in the middle of a staring standoff with his friend. She turned to Sarena who just shrugged.

“There’s no need to grill them, Marcas,” Sarena said, patting her man on the leg, clearly trying to break the tension. “It’s none of our business.”

“I just asked a question,” Mac said, breaking the stare-off to look at Sarena before turning his attention back to Declan. “Imagine my surprise at stepping into the diner and finding my best friend getting cozy with a woman he’s never mentioned to me before.”

Aspen’s muscles stiffened, her theory growing stronger in her mind by Mac’s reaction to her. She didn’t know which way this conversation was going to go and didn’t want to be the subject of an argument between friends.

She wasn’t worth it, and knowing the US Marshalls, they would probably be moving her soon.

No use in two friends arguing. She would just go. She grabbed her purse and blew out a deep breath. “Look, I’ll just take my food to go—”


Chapter 9

Declan narrowed his eyes on his longtime friend. He was truly at a loss for words for how Mac was acting toward Aspen. It shouldn’t matter that he’d never mentioned her; it was blatantly disrespectful the way Mac was behaving.

Aspen had finally relaxed around him. The guarded look in her eyes had disappeared, and now, two minutes in Mac’s presence and her walls were back up.

“If you must know, I hadn’t mentioned Aspen because this is only the second time we’ve been out together,” he said through clenched teeth. His protective nature was rising, wanting to shield Aspen from his friend.

“But you both just said you weren’t dating.” Mac’s eyebrow lifted.

“We have to eat.”

He could feel Aspen’s tension brimming from her, but he refused to let her run off. His gut feeling told him that if she walked out of the diner now, he’d never see her again.

And that wasn’t going to happen.

Mac nodded, but Declan could see the questions in his friend’s eyes. They would have a different conversation soon, not in front of the women. He didn’t want to announce to the entire restaurant that they’d slept together twice and this was only their second date.

No, what happened between him and Aspen was their business.

Their food arrived, breaking some of the tenseness in the air. He moved his eyes to Aspen. She had withdrawn; her eyes were lowered and focused on her food.

He bit back a curse.

“So what do you?” Sarena asked Aspen.

“I work at the County Library. I’m a library assistant,” Aspen responded.

The girls began to make idle conversation, but Declan didn’t hear any of it. His attention was focused on Mac.

“We have drills starting tomorrow. Are you ready?” Mac asked.

“Always,” he replied. Their drill training was to ensure that the team remained the best. It was a few days of training practice where they trained in full gear. Their drills included practicing building entry, takedowns, and search-and-rescue. These training days were to make sure they remained sharp when out on calls.

“So where are you from?” Sarena asked.


“I’ve never been there before. I would love to go there sometime.” Sarena glanced at him and arched her eyebrow before setting down her fork. “Okay. I have to ask, because I know Marcas is not going to rest until he knows. How did you two meet?”

Declan turned to find Aspen with a small smile on her lips. Their eyes connected, and he could feel the effect of her smile on him. A giggle escaped her, and before he knew it, she fell into a full fit of hilarity. His lips curved up in a smile as he watched her sit back laughing.

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