Page 16 of Dirty Ballistics

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Grew up in Arizona

Odd jobs through the years

He read the rest of the report. She’d moved around after her parents had died when she’d been nineteen. Since their deaths, the report stated she’d lived in a few states and changed location every year or two with the most recent being South Carolina.

Alarms were still blaring in the back of his mind. This information was too cut and dried. He glanced at his phone, wanting to speak to her. He knew it was late but he just wanted to hear the sound of her voice. If he could get her to open up about herself, then maybe he could let this uneasy feeling he had go.

He grabbed his phone and swiped the glass screen. He searched through his contacts, passing numbers of countless women he knew he could call on and they’d be at his apartment within the hour.

But none of them appealed to him.

He wanted Aspen.

He hit her number and put the phone to his ear. The sound of ringing greeted him as he stood from his desk and made his way back to the living room.

“Hello?” her soft voice greeted him.

A small smile graced his lips, and he imagined her lying in her bed.

“Hey,” he murmured, taking a seat on the couch. He stretched out, ignoring the game still playing on the television.

“Declan,” she breathed.

His eyes closed briefly, him loving the sound of his name on her lips. During their night together, she had screamed it quite a few times. He had the sudden urge to want to make her scream it again.

“I hope I’m not waking you.”

“No, you’re not. It’s a little late. You know what they call these type of phone calls?” She chuckled.

His cock stiffened at the husky sound of her laugh.

He grinned, thinking she was right. It was after eleven at night. He wasn’t sure if it was that type of call, but he wouldn’t be opposed to making it one.

Just hearing her voice had the doubts in the back of mind disappearing. He was going crazy.

He could admit it.

He’d never pondered over a woman before.

Usually, the women he messed with knew up front that he wasn’t the committing type. He just wanted a little harmless fun between the sheets.

The vision of Aspen’s face as she climaxed had him wanting more.

He craved her.

“If you want it to be, it can be.”

His heart skipped a beat at her quick intake of breath. Was she thinking about him as he’d been obsessing over her?

“And if I were to say I wanted it to be,” she said, “then what?”

He paused, running a hand across his chest, thinking of an answer. He was sliding down a slope into unknown territory. He had said no strings, and she had agreed.

But the passion between them was too hot to let it fizzle out.

Mac had found the woman for him, maybe this was Declan’s chance to find his. Sarena was good for Mac. Declan had instantly seen the change in his friend. The night she’d disappeared, Mac had just about gone nuts.

Aspen may have agreed to a one-night stand, but deep down he knew that wasn’t the real Aspen.

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