Page 10 of Dirty Ballistics

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She hadn’t been cold, but she hadn’t asked for his number or to even see him again. Declan was used to being in the role of having to let women down and even reminding them that it was to be for only one night.

Aspen had just sent him on his way with an awesome cup of coffee in a to-go cup, and a smile.

“Sergeant Owen.”

Mac’s sharp voice broke through his thoughts. Shutting his locker, he turned and faced his longtime friend.

Marcas MacArthur’s attention was locked on Declan. Mac was like a bulldog—once he got something or someone in his sights, he didn’t let it rest until he got what he wanted.

The locker room drew quiet as Mac made his way to him. His teammates were not hiding the fact that they wanted to hear the conversation between him and Mac.

“What’s going on, Dec? You’re barely here,” Mac said, stopping in front of him.

“Just not feeling well today, Mac.” He met his friend’s eyes. There was no way he would admit to being hung up on a one-night stand. Today was just not the day to get his balls busted over a woman.

“Why don’t you sit this one out. Head home and get some rest. You look like shit.”

“I’m good.” He straightened to his full height and met the stares of his teammates.

He would be good for the assignment. His men would depend on him being sharp once they got to the location.

Apparently satisfied, Mac walked away and began briefing them on the job.

“We have a hostage situation down at the Comet’s main terminal hub. Our local boys in blue were able to secure the perimeter and need our help extracting the hostages and grabbing the bad guys.”

“Any reason given?” Ashton, the SWAT team’s lead negotiator asked.

“Sounds like the transit heads were laying off some of the bus drivers, and they weren’t taking kind to it,” Mac replied. “Let’s roll out. I’ll give more information in the B.E.A.R.”

The team filed out and headed toward their armored vehicle, all dressed in their black fatigues with SWAT brandished across the front of their ballistics vests. Declan could still feel eyes on him and knew that Mac didn’t fully believe him. His friend knew when we was lying.

Declan tried to act busy, double-checking his weapons and securing his helmet on his head. They all wore face masks that covered the bottom of their faces to protect their identity when it came to high-risk situations.

Zain Roman, a longtime member of the team, hopped in the driver’s seat while the rest filed in the back.

Myles Burton, the team’s sniper, sat across from Declan and eyed him. He nodded to his team mate who seemed to be checking him out as Mac had.

They were a close-knit unit and would sense when someone was off.

“You good?” Myles asked, cocking an eyebrow.

“I’m good.”

“All right, men, intelligence states that the bad guys have ten Comet employees housed in the dispatch room of the bus terminal.” Mac continued the briefing, but Declan didn’t hear a word that was spoken.

His thoughts were on Aspen. The memory of her creamy brown skin sliding against his had his cock jerking. He tried to shake off the memories, but they kept flooding his brain.

Her gasps when he’d thrust deep within her had him rubbing a hand along his face. He cringed when he hit the rough bristles of his jawline. He hadn’t shaved in a few days and was paying for it.

He hadn’t felt like this for a woman in…damn, he couldn’t even remember.

They arrived at the local city bus station where all hell had broken loose. The team instantly jumped from the B.E.A.R and sprang into action. The terminal was a large building that usually bustled with guests and employees, but today, it was a ghost town.

Ashton and Mac went to speak with the lead investigator on the scene. Ashton would be the one assisting with the negotiations of the hostages. Declan and the others spread out, speaking with the cops that were the first on the scene and ensuring that the perimeter was pushed back. The men in the terminal were armed and pissed off. There was no telling how they would react, and they had to ensure the safety of the public.

“We have blueprints,” Brodie said, gathering the team over to the hood of a squad car.

They all stood around and began planning the entry into the terminal.

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