Page 29 of Dirty Tactics

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Chapter 12

Sarena breathed deeply, pushing through the last of her run. She turned the corner of the street that led to her house. Relief filled her as her place came into sight. It had been a few days since her last run, and she needed to expel some energy.

His sudden appearance at her job last night had left her hot and bothered. She could barely concentrate for the rest of her shift. Lucky enough, one of her nurses asked to stay the last four hours to pull a double. Sarena would have been all over the place had she needed to take an assignment. The emergency room picked up after Marcas had left, leaving her last few hours to fly by.

Finally, she reached the sidewalk in front of her home and eased her jog to a walk to try to lower her heart rate. The sound of a car slowing filled the air. She ignored it and walked up her driveway with her hands on her hips. She tried to breathe in deeply to calm her body down, but it currently wasn’t working. Those few days without running was catching up with her.

The sound of the car turning into her driveway grabbed her attention. She turned to see a black sedan coming to a halt a few feet from her.

Sarena squinted but was unable to see who was inside. She wasn’t expecting any company, and the vehicle was unfamiliar.

The driver rolled down his window as she walked toward the car. A man in his mid-thirties to early forties smiled at her from the driver’s seat.

“Morning,” he called out.

“Good morning. Can I help you?” Unease filled her chest, and she stopped a few steps before the car.

“Yes, does Sheila Caspin live here? I seem to have gotten turned around.” He chuckled, his arm hanging out of the window.

His demeanor seemed friendly, but she couldn’t shake the uneasy feeling he gave her. His mouth was stretched into a smile, but something was off about him.

The smile doesn’t reach his eyes.

“I’m sorry. You have the wrong house,” she announced, the feeling of unease growing stronger when his gaze perused down her body.


“Is this 22553 Hilton East?” he asked, tearing his gaze away from her to look down at a piece of paper.

“No, Hilton is a few streets that way.” She pointed in the direction he needed to go. “At the stop sign, make a right and drive down about half a mile and then you’ll see it on the right.”

“Thanks.” His smile widened at her.

Relief filled her at the sound of another vehicle coming down the road. She flicked her eyes in that direction. Marcas flew down the street in his oversized truck. He slowed and pulled into his driveway then drew to a halt at the edge of his walkway. Their eyes met before his attention turned to the man in the vehicle.

“Good luck finding your friend,” she said, turning back to the stranger.

She backed away from the car to try to give him the hint it was time to leave. The sound of Marcas’s door slamming shut echoed through the air.

“I’m Silas, by the way.” He laughed. “I know this may seem odd, but what’s your name—”

“Taken,” a deep baritone voice interrupted.

She smiled, feeling Marcas arrive behind her. His possessive arm sneaked its way around her waist and pulled her back against him. She looked over her shoulder and found his glare directed at Silas.

Her heart fluttered at the feel of him behind her. Her core clenched at his dominant nature.

“Wow, um…my bad.” Silas held up his hands in defeat with shock appearing on his face. He eyed Marcas briefly before his focus turned back to Sarena. His smile was forced, and he nodded. “Beautiful woman, man. Couldn’t help but try.”

Marcas moved to her side and didn’t reply but kept his eyes trained on the man as he threw his car in reverse. She turned and looked at him. His muscles were drawn tight while he watched the car leave her driveway and go off in the direction she had instructed him to.

“He had the wrong address,” she murmured, running her hand along his chest.

He grunted a response but had yet to take his attention off the car as it disappeared from their street.

“It’s okay,” she said.

“It’s not,” he muttered, turning back to her.

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