Page 48 of Unexpected Allies

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Chapter 21

Mila could not get Kole out of her head. Usually on missions, she was dead set on the plan, but their last lovemaking was more of a claiming. She felt totally possessed by Kole and her core clenched with just the memory of him pounding away inside of her yesterday. She shook her head, trying to concentrate. It was a two-hour drive to Concord, and that was where she would be able to extact her revenge on Vladen.

Since he wanted to tell people she had attempted to kill him, she would give him what he wished for. She had no intentions of letting him live. Once he cancelled the hit, she would kill him and leave no trace of herself.

They had come up with a brilliant plan. Corneal’s spy would basically offer Vlad up on a silver platter. She had memorized the grounds. Kole and his men would cause a distraction to allow her to sneak onto the property. Vlad was getting old, and it was time for him to learn that he couldn’t play the same fucking games he did when he and her father were younger.

This was a whole new generation leading the Tokhans, and they didn’t play games. Pasha would wipe out the Slokavich Bratva, but Mila would do her part whether her brother wanted her help or not. She would get her revenge.

“You’re too quiet.” Kole’s voice broke through her thoughts. They had spent the last twenty-four hours planning this covert mission.

“I’m imagining my hands wrapped around Vlad’s wrinkled neck,” she murmured, turning from the window to look at Kole. She could almost feel the flesh beneath her fingers as she squeezed.

“I figured as much,” he chuckled, patting her knee. “Soon this will all be over with.”

“You know this will piss by brother off,” she said. Pasha would be furious that she didn’t do as he’d asked. But he should know his little sister better. She would never be able to just sit back and let them fight her battles for her. It was always she, a captain in the Tokhan Bratva, who ensured that they had ruthless soldiers to defend the brotherhood. She would handle her brother when the time came.

“It won’t be the first time your brother will be pissed at me,” he replied. “And I doubt this will be the last time too.”

“I will handle my brother’s wrath. It will not be the first time that I have disobeyed a direct order.”

“We’ll worry about that when the time comes.”

“Shouldn’t be too much longer,” Denis called out from the driver’s seat of the extended SUV.

“Don’t forget that once you drop us off to meet the others. This plan is solid,” Kole informed the group.

“Wait, what do you mean, drop us off? I was to go alone.” She grabbed his arm. What was he doing? She was to sneak into the building alone while they dealt with the security crew.

“You didn’t really think I would let you out of my sight, did you?” he replied, turning his eyes to her. “We go together.”

“I can take care of myself,” she snapped, anger mounting in her chest. Did he not trust that she could do her part? Her part of the mission was the most important.

“It’s not you I don’t trust. I want to ensure that there’s someone that will have your back, just in case the shit hits the fan.” He paused and looked at her. Her anger slowly faded as she returned his gaze. Even in the darkened cab of the truck, she could see the stubborn set of his jaw and knew there would be no fighting him on this. His mind was made up.

“Well, I hope you can keep up with me,” she quipped.

“Oh, don’t you worry. I didn’t get to where I am by just sitting back in an office,” he replied, his lips curving at the corners.

She knew that to be a boss in any mafia gang or mob, that the person had to be willing to get his hands dirty in order to reach the top.

She turned away from him and watched the dark scenery pass by. She was ready. They were all decked out in black tactical gear and matching ski masks. Her hair was pulled back in two long braids that dropped down her back, and her body was covered with enough weapons to fight a small militia. This was war, and she wanted to be prepared. Everyone in the car was decked out in weapons just like her. They each had communicators for their ears so they could communicate with each other.

“All right, Kole. You’re the alpha team for radio contact. One and two,” Denis informed them as they began checking their equipment.

“Who’s one and two?” she asked, checking her glock that was strapped to her thigh. She had enough clips that if they had to shoot their way out of the house, she would be prepared.

“I’m the alpha one around here,” Kole stated, pulling on one of her braids.

“Enough, children,” Corneal said from his perch in the seat up front. “I think the whole house knows who the alphas are.”

Mila could feel her cheeks warm and was thankful for the darkness in the truck as the guys chuckled. She usually didn’t embarrass easily, but coming down the stairs after their very loud lovemaking yesterday, had made her wish for the floor to swallow her whole when the guys turned toward them. Kole, of course, wasn’t bothered by it. She was almost certain that his chest puffed out a little as he walked past the guys.

“Test your communicators one more time,” Denis instructed. Mila could tell that he was very thorough at his job. They had checked them before and they worked. She flipped hers on and was able to hear everyone do their test.

Even though it was five of them in the vehicle, Kole and Corneal had arranged for the others to meet near the home. They wanted this to be a surprise, so the other men would arrive before them to monitor the building. They had dispatched a few men yesterday and had been getting updates on the property. Vlad was officially there. The spy had confirmed with Corneal that morning.

“Okay, alpha team, this is where you get out.” Denis pulled the vehicle over on a quiet suburban street. They would travel the rest of the way by foot. It was a little past midnight, and not a soul stirred on the street. The house Vlad was hidden in was off the main roads with a top security detail.

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