Page 44 of Unexpected Allies

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Chapter 19

They had made it to the mainland in the shadow of night. Mila knew that Kole had purposely wanted it that way. The quiet island would not be as busy and they could potentially go unnoticed. Most of the islanders got around by way of golf carts and bicycles. According to Kole, the population of the island was under one hundred residents, and it was considered a gated community. This, they would be able to use to their advantage. In such a small community, it would be hard for people to blend in with the locals.

Peter and the crew would take the yacht and dock it elsewhere to lead whoever was tracking the yacht astray.

Mila followed Kole to where a row of golf carts were parked.

“We’re going to have to split up,” Kole announced, placing their bags on the back of one of the carts.

“We’ll meet you at the house.” Denis nodded as he and Jethro went to their own cart.

“Let’s go.” Within minutes, they were coasting down a pathway.

“How far do we have to go?” she asked, watching the beautiful scenery go by.

“Not far. We’ll be there in a few minutes. Corneal should be there.”

She knew that if he was calling in his second-in-command, they were really going to go through with going after Vladen.

Kole was correct. They arrived in less than ten minutes, driving past beautiful homes and a golf course.

“This is beautiful, Kole,” she gushed as she stepped out of the cart. The front sconces were on, giving them a little light, as if welcoming them home. The cottage had a homey feel to it. It wasn’t as large as the oceanfront homes they had passed, but it certainly was a house that any person would love to spend time in for a cozy, quiet vacation.

“Thank you,” he murmured, grabbing their bags from the back of the cart. “Follow me.”

She noticed that the houses didn’t have driveways, but stone paths along the side of them. The island seemed like a family-oriented community by the signs of playgrounds, parks, and some of the homes had children’s toys left in the front yards.

She prayed that the fight didn’t spill over into this beautiful community. She narrowed her eyes as she followed Kole. They would reach Vladen and she would kill the son of a bitch with her own hands if she had to. He would get his wish. He just didn’t know who he was fucking with. Her brother may be a deadly mafia boss, but Vladen had never really tangoed with her, and she would make sure that he would regret it. He would release the hit from her head. If he didn’t, she would end his life without a second thought.

Kole guided them to the back of the house.

“Glad you all made it on time,” a voice said from the open doorway. The porch light was out, leaving them in complete darkness.

“Corneal, it’s good to see your ugly mug,” Kole greeted his second.

Mila remembered him briefly from the charity event, but wasn’t sure if they had ever met before. Kole jogged up the few steps of the porch and hugged his second with his free arm. She took her time going up the stairs, knowing that his second would be weary of her. They broke apart, and even in the dark, she could feel the tension coming from the man.

“Mila, this is Corneal Galca, my second. Corneal, this is Mila Petrovna.” They both nodded to each other. Mila knew that Kole’s second didn’t trust her. It didn’t take a rocket scientist to reach that conclusion. He didn’t know her, and she didn’t know him.

“Come in. Let’s get you guys settled.” Corneal motioned for the door. She nodded and followed Kole into the cottage.

“Denis and Jethro were behind us. They should be here soon,” Kole announced.

Mila took in her surroundings as Kole led her through the kitchen and into what appeared to be the family room. The cottage certainly reflected the type of community they were in—one of relaxation and peace.

“Sir, would you like me to take those bags?” a young man offered, standing from his perch on the couch.

“Please take them to the master bedroom, Tyson.” Kole handed their bags off to the younger man. She had noted a few other men throughout the house as they passed through it. She assumed they were all members of Kole’s organization by the way they all treated him respectfully. Her, they all eyed with suspicion, as if waiting to see what she would do. This was something she was used to. With her reputation, most men remained guarded when around her.

“They’re here,” Corneal yelled from his position on the porch.

Now that she knew what Kole had intended, she would need to concentrate on what was to come. She would not tell her family of what they were planning. She knew her brother and father would forbid her from getting involved because they would handle it. Which they could go ahead and handle the war. The Tokhan would prevail, but it was she who would handle Vladen. His lies would be the end of him.

“I can see the change in you,” Kole remarked as she sat down on the couch where the young man had vacated. Her eyes flew to his as he stood by the home’s fireplace.

“Oh?” she asked, her eyebrow raised.

“You have the look of a female lion with her eyes on the prey,” he murmured.

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