Page 23 of Sugar Biker Daddies

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Like the huge dick I felt poking my belly.

Lost in my thoughts, I barely register Rueben's return as he passes me a towel, his movements fluid and graceful. I take it from him, wrapping it around myself as I step out of the shower, the steam still swirling around us.

"Thanks," I mumble, my voice barely above a whisper as I try to hide the turmoil raging inside me.

Rueben nods, his expression unreadable as he begins to towel himself dry. The silence stretches between us, thick with unspoken tension, as we both grapple with our own desires and fears.

Finally, unable to bear the weight of the silence any longer, I speak, my voice hesitant as I search for the right words.

"Rueben...about before..." I trail off, unsure of how to continue. "I-I don't know what came over me. It was just...unexpected."

Rueben's gaze meets mine, his eyes dark with intensity as he studies me. For a moment, neither of us speaks, the air heavy with unspoken words and unspoken desires.

And then, with a soft sigh, Rueben breaks the silence, his voice low and gentle as he speaks.

"Amelia," he says, his tone soft and reassuring. "I know this is all new to you. But I want you to know... Whatever happens, I'll be here for you."

His words wash over me, a comforting balm to the storm raging inside me. Maybe there's more to Rueben than meets the eye. Maybe he's not as dangerous as I thought.

But even as I allow myself to hope, a nagging voice in the back of my mind warns me to proceed with caution. They are still gangsters. I can't let myself get too close. Not when there's so much at stake.

The memory of his body against mine sends a shiver down my spine, igniting a fire within me that I can't seem to extinguish. He didn't even seem affected by the kiss. Does he not feel anything?

Or is he just hiding it?

I run a hand through my tangled hair, trying to calm the chaos swirling inside me. But there's no denying the ache that lingers between my legs, the yearning for something more, something I've never experienced before.

This is crazy.

I slap my hands to my face, trying to shake off the intoxicating spell Rueben has cast over me. But deep down, I know there's no escaping the truth. I'm drawn to him, inexplicably drawn to the danger and allure he represents.

I pull on my clothes, each piece of fabric a reminder of the reality I'm trying to escape. With a shaky breath, I nod, my resolve hardening as I steel myself for the challenges that lie ahead. As Rueben's gaze lingers on mine, I know that this is only the beginning.

What does he want? And what do I want from him?

Chapter 12


“Please, boss Tanner. I promise I’ll pay it back soon.”

I kick away the crying man and grimace as I look down at my pants. His hand has left a sand print. I frown in annoyance and ball a fist. He sees my rage and swallows hard.

“I don’t think you’ll be able to pay it back even if you were given an extra three months, Burns,” I say, wiping the offending stain with my handkerchief.

He starts to come towards me once again and I glare at him, causing him to pause.

“No, I promise. I will pay you back. Cut off my tongue if I don’t,” he says, a little too confident in himself.

“Why don’t I do that right now?” I grin as I walk towards him maliciously.

He shies away as his eyes fill with fear.


“It’s your lucky day, Peter Burns. You get to keep your tongue,” I say in a bored tone. This is turning out to be more boring than I thought it would be.

Why couldn’t Josiah be free today of all days?

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